So I got thrown out of a club tonight[Essay w/ Cliffs]

Don't go back to the club and offer to pay.
Far too many people have been screwed by the cops. They could have shown up, and both of you would have been thrown in jail.

Alcohol makes people mad. If your friend doesn't understand this and gets POd easily, don't go to clubs with him anymore. He drank too much and then became beligerent. You already mentioned he probably had a few before you went out, and then had 5 hard drinks at the club. That's why the chicks didn't want to talk to him, he was drunk. Chicks don't like talking to drunks, a slight buzz is ok.

The reason the cops didn't show up, was because if that happens everyone leaves and the club loses money. If your friend had challenged the bouncers, then they would have jumped on him, and the cops would have been called. Lucky he kept walking to the car.

Talk to your friend when you are both sober and tell him you are not going out to the clubs anymore if he's plastered. You don't need this hassle. Clubs are a waste and fights always happen when people drink too much.
Essay? In that case, you get a fucking


BTW, next time your friend is piss drunk and belligerant, give him more booze until he blacks out. Then beat the fuck out of him. When he wakes up, tell him he fucked with the wrong people that night before, and that he should put the fucking bottle down. Maybe it'll finally sink in that he's behaving like a stupid asshole.
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the "i'm tired" angle is worse than the "you're going to get our asses beat" angle. It just makes you look like a pussy and makes him stop listening to you. When you're in that spot, you have to get his fucking attention and explain the situation, since he obviously wasn't getting it.

But honestly, it sounds ilke the guy is enough of a dickhead that the real question is why you're hanging out with him
I think you let him walk all over you since he decided when you two were ready to leave when you were the one with the car. Dont be so weak next time.
iNVAR said:
Essay? In that case, you get a fucking


BTW, next time your friend is piss drunk and belligerant, give him more booze until he blacks out. Then beat the fuck out of him. When he wakes up, tell him he fucked with the wrong people that night before, and that he should put the fucking bottle down. Maybe it'll finally sink in that he's behaving like a stupid asshole.
This sounds like a plan. However, I can tell you from experience that even this approach does not work on all people. Long story short, a buddy of mine drank until he blacked out, got in a fight that landed him in the hospital (dude tried to smash his head into the concrete with a well-placed boot), and it did not deter him from drinking again.

BTW, that friend drank himself to complete liver failure at age 30. *30.* Just a heads up.
Bounty said:
Did I REALLY need to be a part of this story? :lol:
Yes, mainly because you are the yardstick to which all that is gay about TW is measured. <3

I don't know why that yardstick isn't an actual *gay* man, but hey. Fame is fame, I guess. :)
Here's another test you can give your friend. Ask him if he remembers everything that happened, and make him tell you the story. Chances are, he can't. His memory of the night or at least the argument has been erased.

Your friend is using you as the designated driver because you'll do it and you think he's cool to hang out with. Does he ever drive you to a club and let you drink while he stays sober? No.

I had the same type of friends in high school. They only called when they wanted a ride. Forget that, don't go out with him anymore. And if you don't pick up chicks at the bars on your own, then it means you have average looks and the hos are looking at the pretty boyz, it won't change. You won't meet a hard working girl in a bar anyway so stop going to them.
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TwiztiD said:
the "i'm tired" angle is worse than the "you're going to get our asses beat" angle. It just makes you look like a pussy and makes him stop listening to you. When you're in that spot, you have to get his fucking attention and explain the situation, since he obviously wasn't getting it.

But honestly, it sounds ilke the guy is enough of a dickhead that the real question is why you're hanging out with him

Normally hes just a loud happy drunk, this is the first time I seen him get mad. I think it was the hennesy.
Fitty said:
Maybe you should stop hanging out with idiots, Matt?

well you all hate to go out to drink and I like to from time to time. It was the first time I been out for 5 months.
JohnnyX said:
Me I'm a typical nerd when I'm drunk. I crack a few jokes, act a little more cocky and generally enjoy myself. I don't start shit with anyone and usually everyone is pretty respectful. I don't think once have I had someone just randomly start shit with me.
Go us nerd drunks.
You should get someone to pay for that window atleast...him would be the best bet.
Gon said:
that is a paragraph not an essay
es·say Audio pronunciation of "Essay" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (s, -s)

1. (s)
1. A short literary composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal view of the author.
2. Something resembling such a composition: a photojournalistic essay.

They can be both by definition.