[So]{Guess the Race} Lottery Winner Still on Welfare

so according to the article, it sounds like the way it is now, at least in her state...you could have enough money in the bank to easily survive the rest of your life, and still get welfare as long as you weren't reporting income?

I'm not even talking about lottery, or inheritance or anything - it sounds like rich retired people could get on welfare for some extra coke money?

Well yeah.

Heard tell of some rich fed. legislator years back
made the news
guy had MILLIONS and STILL collected a small soc. security.

He had no qualms about it. :shrug:
$200 a month in food stamps!


It's funny how people can get "outraged" over that petty shit, but take it straight up the ass by kike bankers for trillions every year.
Karma will catch up to her. She may not have done anything wrong, but this is why handouts don't work in general. People take advantage of the system finding loop holes.
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Well yeah.

Heard tell of some rich fed. legislator years back
made the news
guy had MILLIONS and STILL collected a small soc. security.

He had no qualms about it. :shrug:

Social security is not the same thing as welfare. Social Security is the governments version of retirement planning. They take your money from you every paycheck and you get it back when you're old.

This girl never put money into the system and is receiving money cause she doesn't have a job and has kids.
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With limited exceptions (e.g. property tax), our tax and benefits systems are based on income, not wealth. Things are bad enough when the IRS has to document and audit people's income. Do we really want to task them with documenting and auditing everyone's wealth, instead?

I think this is one of those cases where the costs of implementing the "better" system far outweigh the benefits of eliminating these few obvious failings of the current system.
-she ass ugly can't get job
-1 millio nabs u like $900 in interest a month

moral of story is no one should have to work when ugly
With limited exceptions (e.g. property tax), our tax and benefits systems are based on income, not wealth. Things are bad enough when the IRS has to document and audit people's income. Do we really want to task them with documenting and auditing everyone's wealth, instead?

I think this is one of those cases where the costs of implementing the "better" system far outweigh the benefits of eliminating these few obvious failings of the current system.

Actually, a large amount of benefits are contingent on wealth levels. Lots of state welfare programs say that you cannot have more than $x in assets (often excluding primary residence and sometimes 1 vehicle) to be eligible for the program.
She uses the fact that she has two houses to justify why she needs the food stamps. She has a big nose.
I have just the guy for her
