[signs] Baby on board


Veteran XX
Suppose worse came to worst. Civilization, economies, and the well-being of the world as we know it depends most on those educated and constructive doers and thinkers 20 through 50 years of age.

I assume those signs on parents' cars are to influence whom I choose to ride into the ditch. We will eventually need those kids' potential in a few decades, but until then they're parasites, and we can make some more when the apocalypse is back under control.

Roll those cars first. For Humanity.
Never understood the point of those signs. It doesn't seem logical anyone would see them and think, "Oops, I better not drive so aggressively. They have a baby on board and I certainly don't want to cause them any harm!"
Did you know that they hit their popularity in 1986 and there were fewer accidents because people were more cautious driving around people with children?

The more you knew..
Never understood the point of those signs. It doesn't seem logical anyone would see them and think, "Oops, I better not drive so aggressively. They have a baby on board and I certainly don't want to cause them any harm!"


you really dont think that's ever happened?
My favorite are the minivans that have these and then drive 6 inches from your bumper and finally pass you doing 105 MPH.
My favorite are the minivans that have these and then drive 6 inches from your bumper and finally pass you doing 105 MPH.

I would be willing to put money on it that if it was not a man, it was a woman trying to get her stupid kid to soccer practice.

edit: They also have these stupid things now, so I guess you don't really need the sign anymore.
Never understood the point of those signs. It doesn't seem logical anyone would see them and think, "Oops, I better not drive so aggressively. They have a baby on board and I certainly don't want to cause them any harm!"

If someone cuts you off, you react differently. If someone in a souped-up Mustang cuts you off, you get pissed and want to run them off the road. If someone in a Odyssey with a "Baby On Board" sign cuts you off, you're much less likely to want to hate on them.