Sift, Whoever, Telonatron maybe you guys can straighten me out here...

So, take the signs down and just have bathrooms anyone who wants to use go in regardless of gender? I really wanted actual transgendered opinions. I have a feeling not all are on board with the media overhype.

I'm identifying myself as transgender for the next 10 minutes, so I'm completely qualified to answer any of your questions.

Just step into the stall over here. I have candy.
i mean like you said in op there is nothing stopping the present system from being abused by creepers. if your baby daughter is alone in the bathroom the only diff presently between a pedo sneaking in and a tranny is that the tranny just wants to pee

letting them pick their own bathroom seems like such a non-issue it blows my mind it needs to come to legislature. sure it's pretty weird but jesus why even get involved.
So, take the signs down and just have bathrooms anyone who wants to use go in regardless of gender? I really wanted actual transgendered opinions. I have a feeling not all are on board with the media overhype.


I like to think the men's room is more the gender neutral zone.

Women don't have any problem using the men's room at sporting events if there's a long line for the Women's.

If you're a chick with a dick use the men's room, ditto for locker rooms.
i mean like you said in op there is nothing stopping the present system from being abused by creepers. if your baby daughter is alone in the bathroom the only diff presently between a pedo sneaking in and a tranny is that the tranny just wants to pee

letting them pick their own bathroom seems like such a non-issue it blows my mind it needs to come to legislature. sure it's pretty weird but jesus why even get involved.

Nonsense, sexual deviants always obey signs.
I consider myself a fairly moderate tolerant guy, but this whole Transgender bathroom rights agenda has me leaning right I guess. here is my problem with it:

Our current bathroom infrastructure isn't set up to accommodate everyone's rights and pursuit of happiness without infringing on someone else's. Personally, I could care less who is in the stall next to me, but let's face it, this will get exploited by creeps. This is not the same thing as when Blacks had separate facilities. I mean if anyone who says they feel like a woman trapped in a man's body wants to use a woman's bathroom no one can stop them right? even if it is say a male teacher dressed as a man wanting to use the bathroom with our young daughters in it right? we can't discriminate because of clothes or post or pre op right?

I.E. ICPedo

I find it very polarizing the way it is being handled where you either support the agenda or your a antitrangenderist

I actually appreciate your opinions, so let's have it.

People are just interested in peeing.

Also this is a female only issue, because guys don't give two shits if a woman dresses like a man and opts to use male facilities. In contrast women are assholes and have a strong desire to cause trouble, because they are awesome at doing that.

Talking about how people are going to pretend to be transgender in order to catch a lackluster peepshow with random old and ugly women in a bathroom is ridiculously farfetched and just a fear reaction and bullshit scenario. They are not going to see anything more in a woman's bathroom than they would outside of it (women use stalls).

It reminds me of the Jewish girl in high school that was deeply offended by the fact that people celebrated Christmas.

Get over yourselves, urinate, and go about minding your own business. If you have a problem with this, piss at home, or search for a bathroom with less people. People need to stop searching for reasons to be offended.

And no, if I had a daughter, I wouldn't give a shit if a transgender wanted to use the same bathroom as her. I wouldn't view that person as any more or less dangerous as a non-transgender. Actually no, in most cases, I would actually view them as less dangerous.

Transgenders have a lot to deal with in terms of public perception. The chances of them causing trouble in a public bathroom are far less in my opinion.

This whole issue just comes from whiny crybaby selfish spoiled brats that don't realize that the live in a human society where we all have to try and get along.

People making serious complaints about this should be forced to shit in medieval parasite infected toilets that cause their intestines to explode so they can get some actual perspective on reality and learn to appreciate their luxurious lives instead of being spoiled assholes and products of post 2000 society of "my feelings matter."

How about this: It bothers me that women can use the same restaurants as me, cus creepy women might use it as a food fetish peep show to watch me eat while masturbating in public to me chewing food.

It's absurd.
the other thing is it's not really an "agenda" to say "hey can we be left alone", so if you feel like the topic is polarizing, maybe it's because it's hilariously intrusive
Do you really think the degenerate fucks who -- for whatever unknown reason -- want the opportunity to see your penis really give a shit whether or not the law is on their side?

If they really want your dick, they will bust in the bathroom, unzip their pants (or dress) and rape you. It doesn't matter what the law is in that regard.

Live and let live, pee and let pee.
creeps are gonna creep regardless of rules
if a dude wants to rape women in a bathroom, a sign that says "women only" isnt gonna stop him
Ultimately what I think this will lead to is public facilities having private bathrooms available for those who have a problem with their kids or themselves being in a bathroom with the opposite or transitioned sex which is not a bad idea.

That is really the only way to not infringe on the rights of others in this matter. I agree with TPK that this is really a female issue, but are their rights less important than others?

To me this isn't necessarily a transgender issue, it is kicking the door open to letting anyone use any bathroom at anytime they want. Whoever said trangendered do not like (some like) the men's room because they get raped in there. So you think inviting those same rapists into the woman's room is a good idea?