Should Redskins Change Their Team Name?

do you disagree with targeted marketing?

Marketing is knowing your audience. Most snowflakes wouldn't know a touchdown from an offsides. I can guarantee you 99.99% of NFL fans don't give a flying fuck about the name.

Only bitchtit losers (cael)
DC area is 70% suburban white liberals. Frankly I'm surprised the name has lasted this long. The team has sucked for so long too that nobody cares anymore. I honestly think most people are just hesitant to change it because they know the new name will be retarded and they'd rather have racist over retarded.
the team exists to pump up everyone else's stats so it only makes sense to have a retarded name like the dallas cowboys
DC area is 70% suburban white liberals. Frankly I'm surprised the name has lasted this long. The team has sucked for so long too that nobody cares anymore. I honestly think most people are just hesitant to change it because they know the new name will be retarded and they'd rather have racist over retarded.

it will be worse than what happened 2 the bullets
oh yeah you probably know more about snyder's businesses than him

I like that you don't deny they only exist to provide fodder to the other teams

i neither confirm nor deny that because it's a stupid argument. it's just a team that usually sucks, that's all. :shrug:
You're thinking of Alexandria, Annandale, or Woodbridge maybe. DC area is half black.

Demographics of Washington, D.C. - Wikipedia.

Unless you're going to call Wiki a liberal hotbed of lies and disinformation, and only Brietbart is the ultimate source of truth, then we don't have a lot to talk about.

operative words is 'area' in fool's post he was talking about the entire metropolitan area which according to some tw'ers is taboo
operative words is 'area' in fool's post he was talking about the entire metropolitan area which according to some tw'ers is taboo

Then show me the map that is 70% white because I can't find one without including Wyoming and Montana.
Unless you're going to call Wiki a liberal hotbed of lies and disinformation, and only Brietbart is the ultimate source of truth, then we don't have a lot to talk about.

indeed we don't. there's really nothing 2 add 2 the irrefutable fact that wikipedia is a hotbed of liberal lies and disinformation and only breitbart is the ultimate source of truth. now we can talk about gaming news.
You're thinking of Alexandria, Annandale, or Woodbridge maybe. DC area is half black.

Demographics of Washington, D.C. - Wikipedia.

Unless you're going to call Wiki a liberal hotbed of lies and disinformation, and only Brietbart is the ultimate source of truth, then we don't have a lot to talk about.

I live here.

Fairfax county alone has a larger population than DC does. DC's african american population has declined by 8% since 2000, and it's caucasian population has increased by 18%. The entire area is overwhelmingly white, rich, and liberal. But sure, there are some areas that haven't been gentrified yet.