Should Redskins Change Their Team Name?

Chiefs (not NFL) used to call their own people redskins..

I would quite honestly like Vanster's input but personally I don't give a shit. They should change every team name to just a fucking color so people can stfu.


What happens when the Whites beat the Browns or Blacks?

it's lootin time, lets burn some statues
But seriously, I think people here would actually value your viewpoint from one directly 'impacted' by their name.

upset, offended? I doubt it, probably couldn't care less would be my guess.

After everything else there is to be worried about I think that would be way down the list, if they wanted to have a team called the Podunk Palefaces I really wouldn't care.
Vanster and I are both fans of the Cleveland Indians
Even though sometimes it feels like the premise to Major League was/is more of a documentary than a work of fiction
the redskins days are numbered we're getting what we want and there's nothing you guys can do to stop it
I do get that mebers are interested in Vanster's opinion. But he's only one Injun. What does the Native American community think? Here is your answer:
