shit still broken


Veteran XX
every time i reply it says i cannot post the same post in last 5 minutes and taking me back to 1 post.

also, i see lost of duplicate

also, rep thread i bumped is not showing up at top of list.

also wtf.
i get the double post thing apparetly its a chrome/javacsript bug i have no idea how to fix didn't really research it yet
block all users of chrome

dumpster is probly a chromecuck anyway, so it's a security move u kno
I use Edge. Get it as well.

EDIT: Also when I edit a post it just loads and loads. Never completes. I have to refresh the page and my edit is there.
Judging from the amount of Contributors who have posted in this thread perhaps there is money to hire someone that can fix the issue in an hour or so?
i think it has something to do with javascript
like some shit is rewriting our pages? theres weird code in there
i think it has something to do with javascript
like some shit is rewriting our pages? theres weird code in there
I am one to add Firefox has done a great job with their latest browser. Kicks the shit out of Chrome
I am one to add Firefox has done a great job with their latest browser. Kicks the shit out of Chrome
Except in the gifs thread. scroll stop, scroll stop, scroll stop... think i get the idea of what the gif is showing... scroll stop, scroll stop, scroll stop.