[Sculpture] I started out a life size head...



Once my friend comes over and I can check the size of the head, she's getting some hair.
Channel 03 said:
i like artistic stuff but let me tell you that people who sculpt, paint, write poetry in public places like Starbucks are rarely thought of as "wow look how talented he is!" It's more like a roll your eyes because this person is a weirdo. I mean come on, you brought a sculpted head on a pole into a restaurant? You're doing it for attention.

Ahhahahahaha. Your statement just trumpeted to all how absolutely devoid of knowledge you are, about the arts and artists. And coffee shops. gj :rofl:

Public gathering spots, especially coffee shops, have traditionally hosted the greatest minds and artistic personalities throughout modern history. Guess how newspapers got started? The printing press came around and "reporters" started printing up what talk and adventures were going on in the various coffee shops. Do you like the music you're listening to today? I'll bet you your artist was heavily influenced by an artist (Bob Dylan, anyone?) that was groomed around coffee shops (if they are not the product of a local gathering spot, themselves). I could go on and on. :lol:

Artists have been gathering together, with their pens, brushes, trowels, musical instruments, etc, since time immemorial.
I go to coffee shops etc to draw all the time, the people generally sit pretty still while drinking their coffee/reading, good for drawing :)

I finally just finished up a big plaster scuplture that has about three heads in it. Took around 18 hours to do.
GiftOfTheGame said:
I go to coffee shops etc to draw all the time, the people generally sit pretty still while drinking their coffee/reading, good for drawing :)

I finally just finished up a big plaster scuplture that has about three heads in it. Took around 18 hours to do.

Have any pictures?
Hey, it seems that my model dropped/bitched out, so I ended up cutting off all the clay and started over with a new girl. Here's the head after two days, most of it has been roughed in, I still need to smooth it some more and fix the eyes. It was tough seeing 20 hours of work get cut down Reservoir Dogs style but I'm happy with the way the new one is progressing. It has 13lbs. of clay on it, pretty damn heavy.



Thanks for looking :p
can you make one that looks like monica belucci with her mouth open to approximately the size of a fleshlight? thx
this stuff is crazy awesome. i know nothing about sculptures... i just remember doing it in elementary school and our teacher would bake them and they would always crack. freakin air pockets.
Oh yea... that happened to me once except the clay was in the oven and it bubbled and then caught fire... air pockets are to be feared lol.
so the first model freaked out when you tried to convince her that kneeding her real face with your hands for several hours was part of the sculpting process?