Scoobysnack vs. DrJonez

also kura i dont understand how you can devote some portion of your mental activities to figuring out the consequences of hand-to-hamfist combat between scooby and jonez

yet you dont understand people who like football
I love football. I used to play it all the time.

I don't understand how people can be obsessed with watching other people play football and then masturbate over rushing stats.
Au contraire!

Seeing that it's spring, my grandfather decided he wanted to rid himself of one of the trees in his backyard. Hence, firewood :)

It still needs to dry out and be split. I never said we were burning it today!

Besides, who has campfires out back during the winter? :nuts:

The fuck?

You said "firewood". Dont you have a fireplace in your house? :nuts:

Ohh nm I dont think they come with trailers do they? ;)
i think jonez is starting to realize that mashing his keyboard in an attempt to only hit one letter at a time while angrily responding to people making fun of him for being fat is kind of a futile exercise

on the other hand it is exercise
on one hand you have scooby who has several years experience with the real man's military

but then you have drjonez who is a 20+ year vet of the elite Butterball Commandos

this one might be too close to call
I love football. I used to play it all the time.

I don't understand how people can be obsessed with watching other people play football and then masturbate over rushing stats.

well i mean i know it doesn't have the same allure that the armament capacity of an f4-phantom does

but it is close
on one hand you have scooby who has several years experience with the real man's military

but then you have drjonez who is a 20+ year vet of the elite Butterball Commandos

this one might be too close to call

years of alcoholism may have had an effect on scooby's fighting ability
has anyone seen the line on this fight yet?

the first joker to give me a +400 on jonez and say that was his weigh-in result is going to get stabbed
Third Scenario: Scooby and Jonez teaming up and hiring a private detective to find Kura, then, go on a road trip to visit him. Possibly coming back with hours of video and photos showing who really is the saddest member of the TW community.

Everyday, all alone.....all alone.

dude, that would be one helluva movie.

a fat nerd from geek squad and an alcoholic ex-military CIO from a small company in tahoe cram themselves into a stolen geek squad vw bug in a cross-country revenge trip against their internet forum nemesis.

edit: we could call it "Ace of the Internet: A Tribalwar story"

and then the squel could focus on triple and be called "Tribalwar 2: LOL, TribalWut?
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