Scoobysnack vs. DrJonez

if you ever did anything notable enough for me to remember about you'd i'd totally bring up something dumb you did in 2001 just to own you right now
I once found a stray kitten. It was so scared, cowering under a car in the rain and crying. I managed to pick it up and place it in my bag, allowing me to take it home. It would hide under my chair for hours and whenever I would approach it, the animal would run to the opposite corner of the room.

Over a period of months I gained the trust of the creature, leaving it food to eat and scraps of paper to play with. Eventually it learned that I presented it with no harm, nor ill thought towards it, and it would be less timid in its actions. I would smile and move closer to it each time, slowly gaining the trust of a clearly frightened and confused creature. Eventually it allowed me the honour of touching its head, offering no violence or warning in response.

As time passed, I became increasingly comfortable with the presence of the animal in my house - my small act of mercy those months ago was a distant memory. So much so that I would often forget that it had happened, and that the animal even existed in my life. The cat had become so acclimatized with my house that it was almost anonymous in my day to day activities, be it sleeping on the bottom stair or yawning lazily in the widow frame.

One day, I was moving my couch to vacuum the carpet. There was a knock at the door. I was in my own little world, and dropped the couch heavily. It was only then that I realized I had dropped it on the cat.

It was a write off so I stamped on its head.