Rurouni Kenshin OVA 1-4

h8 is bad. :(

Kenshin is ALOT longer than 16 eps. The farthest episode I've seen is somewhere around 90. The only problem is finding decent quality mpegs after the Kyoto storyline.
Must.. get.. more.. anime... can somebody feed it to me intravenously? Just when I think I found my favorite anime a better one comes along. Inuyasha rocks! Action, comedy, romance, whatta great mix! I can't wait to see the continuation of Noir tho, I couldn't find a single web site dedicated to this masterpiece :( Also, the "Blood-the last Vampire" movie is not bad, nice quality in Divx4, but it's somewhat short. Thanks guys!
Yeah, I admit, it's somewhat shallow, more like a first episode of a series, where characters are explained in more details later on...
no more like the third episode where they already are into their second or third fight and Don't need to recap. dual is actually pretty good once i got past a minor 1 male to every 7 females ratio.
Kenshin is 95 episodes (plus specials, I think), 4 OAVs, and 1 movie total.

I like Dual. It's sort of your typical mecha/sci-fi anime, but I'm a sucker for those stories where the main character finds some deep-inner-supar-power after going through some tough stuff. However, this does not mean I in any way endorse this storyline being endlessly repeated within the same anime series (you know what I'm talking about).

Noir is a pretty unusual anime, actually. It's more of a drama and doesn't adhere too strictly to the anime style. Yes, the girls are anime girls. Yes, they have guns and they can't get hurt, but dammit, it's got a deeper storyline than usual.

If anyone wants to check it out, I made an anime music video. You can download it at it is somewhere on the main page. It isn't the greatest art work ever, but I think for my first try there are some positives. If you want to give feed back, which I always appreciate, you can find me in #anime.