Rurouni Kenshin OVA 1-4


Veteran X
Best animation OVA series I have ever seen in my life.
Why buy the american dvd when you can download it from Team Fusion FTP.

TF members only, muahaha.
Can I join TF...for like a day? I've had the first half of that for 6 months and I havn't been able to get the 2nd half since...:(

i got the first two from DC, but they were really crappy quality.

thinking about getting the dvds, but c'mon - $25 for sixty minutes? pfft.
free said:

i got the first two from DC, but they were really crappy quality.

thinking about getting the dvds, but c'mon - $25 for sixty minutes? pfft.

Not to mention, Samurai X? Wtf? Kenshin has NOTHING to do with being a Samurai.
Sir Lucius said:
Not to mention, Samurai X? Wtf? Kenshin has NOTHING to do with being a Samurai.

He's a Rurounin, a wandering Samurai. Although i agree the Samurai X name is lame. They couldn't release it as Rurouni Kenshin though, as they don't have the rights to the name..the company releasing the TV series DVDs does.

And I've got the DVDs myself. The story is good enough to be worth dealing with the rediculous 2 eps per DVD.

The OAVs take place 10 years before the TV series. They explain how Kenshin got his name, learned to fight, how he got his scar, what he did during the Meiji restoration and why he is sworn to never kill again. And good god it owns :D
I got the DVD's for 2 reasons.

1: I make Anime Music Videos and share them to my friends via that 8 person FTP I talked about in an old thread.

2: Watch it, you ninny!
Ceiling_Fan said:
The OAVs take place 10 years before the TV series. They explain how Kenshin got his name, learned to fight, how he got his scar, what he did during the Meiji restoration and why he is sworn to never kill again. And good god it owns :D

God dammit! Now I have to go watch em again cause its so damn cool.
free said:
ok fan named ceiling

rip the dvds and burn them unto vcd

or else.

thanks! :D

Don't have a DVD-rom or a CD burner, unfortunately. I suppose I could try and record them to VHS for you, but I dunno if that works or not ;)
Ceiling_Fan said:
He's a Rurounin, a wandering Samurai. Although i agree the Samurai X name is lame.

Wrong twice in one day my friend.

taken from
The author of the Rurouni Kenshin manga (Nobuhiro Watsuki) describes Kensin as "wandering vagabond" and indicates that he created the word 'rurouni' to describe Kenshin. Since "ronin" means "masterless samurai", he would have probably used that if he meant Kenshin to be a samurai. In his forward for volume two of the manga, Watsuki wrote (translated from Japanese to English, of course): "Not only are the kanji for "wandering vagabond" not read "ruruoni," the word itself isnÕt even in the dictionary. I completely made it up."

Ceiling_Fan said:
Don't have a DVD-rom or a CD burner, unfortunately. I suppose I could try and record them to VHS for you, but I dunno if that works or not ;)

It doesnt work. As I learned with my PS2, if you try to run it into a VHS the picture quality brightens and darkens, ruining the movie.
^ that's macrovision copy protection hard at work. if you have a dvd-rom or a "special" dvd player, you can bypass it.

most can't, so :(
Sir Lucius said:
Wrong twice in one day my friend.


That's the only place I've ever heard that. Rounin and Ronin are the same word, by the way. Every translation I've ever seen of Kenshin translates Rurounin as 'Wandering Samurai'