Rosetta comet landing 2014

After Seven Months, Philae Has Woken Up! | IFLScience

Comebacks don't come much bigger than this one: The European Space Agency (ESA)'s Philae comet lander has woken up, albeit for just eighty-five seconds. The news has been announced via Twitter, and the ESA is optimistic this will be just the first revival of many.

“Hello Earth! Can you hear me? #WakeUpPhilae”

“Oh, OK @ESA_Rosetta! I'm still a bit tired to you later! Back to #lifeonacomet!”


Ulamec also reported the messages revealed that Philae had woken up previously, but signals had not got through. “We have also received historical data,” he said. Also in the messages is the fact that considerable data collected in the few days after Philae landed, but not yet received on Earth, remain in Philae's mass memory, and will hopefully be sent during future wakeful periods.

that lazy robot :heart:
This was such cool news. It's really pretty amazing.

They say it is actually a benefit it landed the way it did as now it will return data from much nearer to the Sun than planned. This will cause it to have a lot more of the actual comet coming off for analysis. If it hadn't landed in the shade it would have overheated and burned out by now.

I hope they bring shirt guy back to do an 'IN YOUR FACE' fuckers
This was such cool news. It's really pretty amazing.

They say it is actually a benefit it landed the way it did as now it will return data from much nearer to the Sun than planned. This will cause it to have a lot more of the actual comet coming off for analysis. If it hadn't landed in the shade it would have overheated and burned out by now.

I hope they bring shirt guy back to do an 'IN YOUR FACE' fuckers

nah, dude is a pussy.. he cried and shit, totally a horror story.

fucking feminists.... oh well