[ROFL] Dumbass, goofy Fox news reporter gets hurt on live TV..hear the pain.

LogRoller said:
When you get the wind knocked out of you, you can't breathe. So you don't make any noise. Because you have no "wind". It's "knocked out". Of "you". See how that works?

Wow, so you're saying that it's impossible to make noise from your throat while trying to take oxygen back into your lungs?

BTW... you're wrong.
Excel said:
So why does it feel like death? Is it the diaphragm muscle going into shock, or the lungs trying to reinflate?

I always figured it for nerve trauma. Even if you catch a nasty shot directly to the solar plexus, the impact would only have marginal effect on your lungs (that whole nutty ribcage thing and all). I think it's mainly just your breathing mechanism shitting a pickle and sorting itself out, but again...

What do I know.
I remember when I was "winded". I was in Grade 4. I fell from 8-10 off a piece of playground equipment. Guard Rails do not mean much to male 4th graders, they simply mark the divide in the enivorment, "the next level" so to speak. Anyways, I fell off while traversing the "Indiana Jones: Bridge of Doom". Basically a pipe shaped tunnel, hung on swinging hinges, that bridged two sections of the equipment. Grades 1 thru 3 go through the tunnel... apparently 4 graders go over the tunnel, 5th graders are smart enough to have survived 4th grade for a reason and 6th graders are the ones with enough sense to know who to call when another 4th grader is initiated.

Anyways... I fell off. Something to do with Wind, Hinges and a smooth, rounded surface. I landed flat on my back from about 10 feet. I could not inhale. It seemed as though the force of impact had stunned my respiratory system. I crawled on all fours a few feet while commanding my lungs to try and inhale some air. I'm surprised really, that I landed as well as I did. Square on my back, nothing hurt of borken, having missed every guard rail and wooden obstacle on the way down. While the 5th Graders graders gathered around to see if I was dead, the 6th Graders debated whether or not I was in need of a supervisor and the 1-3 graders stood in shock, I eventually managed to restart my stalled lungs and began breathing again.

And was thus initiated and fully excepted in the "upper class" of elementry circles.

The End
[Rogue]MiScHiEf said:
I always figured it for nerve trauma. Even if you catch a nasty shot directly to the solar plexus, the impact would only have marginal effect on your lungs (that whole nutty ribcage thing and all). I think it's mainly just your breathing mechanism shitting a pickle and sorting itself out, but again...

What do I know.

Your diaphragm spasms and you can't take a breath until it relaxes.
Heh, I had a moment like that sorta. Cept I fell 13 feet from the tallest slide when some micro-asshole pushed me, and I landed on my neck in a kind of somersault-gone-wrong position.

Thank god for that playground gravel.
[Rogue]MiScHiEf said:
Hey, score a point for the "safer playgrounds now" activists.

The only way to keep a kid truely safe is to put them into a giant hamster ball... but then... what the hell fun is it to be a kid?
Hellsfury said:
The only way to keep a kid truely safe is to put them into a giant hamster ball... but then... what the hell fun is it to be a kid?
Even that wont work. Smack that thing hard enough, and the kid will hit the side and break shit.

It'd need airbags.
I agree completely, I had a great time with an unsafe childhood, don't get me wrong.

Just saying, it looks like you were in a cast of the cranial type for a few basic grammar lessons. Maybe those damn liberals have a point. :(

Khushi said:
so someone got seriously hurt and everyone laughs?

This IS America, man. Jesus.
At worst she might have broken an arm, collar bone or shoulder.

And that was definitly the sound of the wind being knocked out.
Khushi said:
so someone got seriously hurt and everyone laughs?
Getting winded isn't serious. Me and my friend always laugh when we reinact my flip off a platform and rotate past and end up doing a bellyflop onto sand act. The sound you make is hilarious because its involuntary and you know it's gonna be ok.
The news reporters back at the station we're trying so hard to keep a straight face.
The girl fell because she cheated at the end. Said, 'Stop', then kept squishing real fast and tried to get out at the same time. Duhhh. If she had played fairly, and got out slowly, it wouldn't have happened.
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