[ROFL] Dumbass, goofy Fox news reporter gets hurt on live TV..hear the pain.

Ecrofkrad said:
She got the wind knowkced out of her... thats why she made those noises.. thats the noises u make when u get the wind knocked out of u. stop being dumbasses

When you get the wind knocked out of you, you can't breathe. So you don't make any noise. Because you have no "wind". It's "knocked out". Of "you". See how that works?
does all the air actually exit your lungs when you get the wind knocked out of you

what exactly happens

i've always wondered about that
Ecrofkrad said:
She got the wind knowkced out of her... thats why she made those noises.. thats the noises u make when u get the wind knocked out of u. stop being dumbasses

I got the wind knocked out of me in soccer when i was younger....i didn't sound anything like that.
LogRoller said:
When you get the wind knocked out of you, you can't breathe. So you don't make any noise. Because you have no "wind". It's "knocked out". Of "you". See how that works?
:rofl: I love you loggy
omfg. that is so funny. new to me. thx.

after watching it again it looks like she may have scraped her shin on the side of that stand when she fell. I know that would hurt like a mofo.
The Straight Dope said:
As to whether anyone has ever failed to get their wind back ... guess it depends how you mean. Common belief is that a hard enough blow to the solar plexus can kill you, and at a certain level of analysis this is undoubtedly true. It's called "getting shot." One might object that there's a difference between getting the wind knocked out of you and getting blown away, but let's not quibble

:lol: Ah, that's why I love the Straight Dope

Fucking local newsies.
For unintentional news comedy, nothing compares to Geraldo in Iraq or Afghanistan getting shot at. I wish I had a continuous tape of all the dumb shit he's done over there.
How anyone can get to be over 10 years old and not understand the mechanics of getting the "wind knocked out of you" escapes me. Surely you fell off a swing or two or crossed your dad in the middle of a bottle of Ja...

I mean fell off a swing.
Gnome said:
I promise you, thats not the noise most people make after getting the wind knocked out of themselves. :lol:

Oh really? When I played rugby for my battalion team I was tackling this big marine and I had my arms wraped around his waist, I jerked real hard and twisted around landing on the ground with him falling in a sitting position on my chest, which crushed every last ounce of oxygen out of my lungs. All I could do for about 30 seconds was clutch at the grass and make an erie goaning noise, which probably sounded much like what was coming out of that woman.

So go ahead and promise me that peole don't make that noise with the wind knocked out of them... you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
First time I was winded I made a noise kinda like that but slower, thought i was going to die. It's odd because you cant breath in or out really well, and your chest is kinda spasmed so you kinda grunt.
LogRoller said:
When you get the wind knocked out of you, you can't breathe. So you don't make any noise. Because you have no "wind". It's "knocked out". Of "you". See how that works?
but you get that really cool....'aaaap....aaaaap.....aaaaap' sound
It really depends on how hard you get hit, and on what "phase" of getting your breathing ability back you've reached...

Most of the time it's happened to me, especially if it was one of those times that felt like forever, there was no sound until the very end, when that tearing/ripping "aaaap" sound that JuggerNigaught mentioned starts up. So I guess if you didn't really get rocked, you could still be thinking coherently and making frog noises at the same time. I thought she broke her jaw, but what do I know.
So why does it feel like death? Is it the diaphragm muscle going into shock, or the lungs trying to reinflate?