RIP Top Gear


Miss Deaf Texas++
Veteran XX
Was fun while it lasted. :hrm:

Jeremy Clarkson is to be sacked as Top Gear presenter after a BBC investigation concluded he did attack a producer on the programme.

Lord Hall, the Director General of the BBC, is expected to announce his decision on Wednesday after considering the findings of an internal investigation.

Clarkson, 54, will be thanked for his work on the hugely popular motoring show, but will be told such behaviour cannot be tolerated at the Corporation.

Jeremy Clarkson to be sacked by the BBC - Telegraph
They're all getting too old for it anyway. That two part episode where they drove across South America you could just see them age in years right before your eyes.

Replacing him isn't an option, but they'll have to learn that the hard way.

the guy he allegedly punched looks like a cocky little fuck.
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Now would be the perfect opportunity for him to pull a Letterman and start a new show on a different network (perhaps in the US) and take Hammond and May with him.
They're all getting too old for it anyway. That two part episode where they drove across South America you could just see them age in years right before your eyes.

Replacing him isn't an option, but they'll have to learn that the hard way.

I can honestly see them being completely over the top grumpy old fucks and still enjoy it. Like Grumpy Old Men ... with cars. 0_o

Figures ... FinalGear dies, I decide to subscribe via Amazon this fucking happens. Maybe it's my fault ... :(
Now would be the perfect opportunity for him to pull a Letterman and start a new show on a different network (perhaps in the US) and take Hammond and May with him.

Wouldn't be a car show I'm afraid. The reason Top Gear US is shit (beyond the hosts chemistry) is the auto industry being complete douchebags. The BBC doesn't have any of those constraints to worry about.
hope netfllx picks him up and he can launch a similar concept with all the politically incorrectness he wants

so it turns out that pulling in a lot of viewers and making a lot of money doesn't make you untouchable after all

who'd have thought it
Great way of getting out of a doomed show. Producers fucking your shit up, spin-off failures, manufacturers not wanting to fail at head-to-head comparisons, mfgs not wanting to be called out for their mistakes and good old tasteless politically insensitive humor. Good for them for keeping this level of production as long as they did.

Seinfeld said something along the lines that television will beat you if given enough time. He beat it and got out before it had the chance.