Ricky Williams Reinstaed in the NFL

You have draft picks to lose ;)

While i would love to draft first, I'd like to see what Beck can do. It's not like we really will be drafting a QB next year, so he'll get a year or 2 to prove what he can do, but i don't think we'd be using our draft pick this year if we're in the top 3. Jerry Jones has a mancrush on McFadden and i'm sure we could net a few high picks in a trade with dallas. We have a big need to draft defense this year and I think Randy, Cam and Wayne all realize this, which is why they traded Chambers (WR's to take over, plus a bad case of dropsies :p).

Either way, i'll definately be recording this game to see Beck in action ;). I think we have the jets after this, so this could be one of those games that Cam puts him in against a team to get rid of the "first game" jitters and have his second game against a pretty easy defense. Especially against a defense where they like to blitz a lot. I dunno, i just hope seeing beck play doesn't make all the fairweather fans yell for Cams head for not drafting Quinn.