[request]Minedisc on T:V

Fool said:
It's totally not needed in T:V either. Play for 5 minutes and you won't miss mine-discing. I haven't even thought of it.
You're right. After playing TV (aka newbie shit) for five minutes.. I wasn't really missing the mine-disc at all, I was missing Tribes.
Amadeu5 said:
The lack of MD'ing isn't what made T2 base bad.
The point is, he's saying it was "designed out" and therefore "made better". We all know better, because we got stuck playing Base. The only thing better in T2 Base then T1 Base, were the graphics.
Validuz said:
The point is, he's saying it was "designed out" and therefore "made better". We all know better, because we got stuck playing Base. The only thing better in T2 Base then T1 Base, were the graphics.
The two aren't really comparable. If you want to see how T1 w/ MD is compared to T1 w/o MD I suggest you play the T:V mod. It's the only mod I know that doesn't have MD'ing and is still close to T1 base.

ZOD said:
MD was never needed for any of the games. It's just a crutch for lazy people.

This quote is ridicoulus ZOD: a game is different for some particular aspects, wich makes that game in fact different; Tribes has been a revolution because it introduced the jetpack and the minedisk, who contributed to make tribes a legendary game; if u leave some of the most particular aspects u change that game. Also u can't say that MD was useless: in T1 was used a lot, and in T2 was introduced by classic mod because lot of ppl asked for it.

Imo some T1 and T2 aspects should be used also in T:V, to make that a perfect game.
Btw this is only my opinion, T2 Base mod is more team-play oriented, but it's too slow to be a competition mod; classic mod was better for clanwars: just watch some classic demos and tell me if it's not something great for coordination, skill and tem-play.
ExitJudas said:
well to put it differently:

The game is more interesting when the flag is in play, when you have to grab, ski, chase, shoot, i.e. fight for the flag.

mine discing altered the game:

it created a weapon that was effectively a one shot kill disc, which imo pisses on the other weapons (except CG). no wonder t2 cluster has degraded into a game with the already OP chaingun, the minedisc combo and a GL that needed a serious upgrade to compete with the former two.

atm cluster has to roles, O and D


scenario1: respawn, ski to flag, wait, mine disc, suicide, repeat
scenario2: respawn, ski to flag, wait, mine disc (miss!) either suicide to get mine/health then DJ) or DJ after capper and mine disc him when he lands.


scenario1: fight endlessly respawning minediscing defenders until you die to try to clear the flag.

scenario2: go for the flag and get mine disced by waiting respawned ld.

scenario3: go for flag and luckily get away because the LD is spawning to get more mines. get mine disced at own base or chained on the way.

maybe the defenders will cluster the flag home, maybe not, depends on their skill.

IMO the mine disc is central to this play style and oh god how i hate it compared to regular tribes1/2 (even though i do play it due to lack of better games :)

U have taken a stupid example: cluster mod is a 7vs7 battle, and it's a classic revision not so similar to classic mod; u can't compare classic to cluster: first of all classic it's 12vs12, and also, u have to study a good tactic, skill is not the only thing u need.

By the comments i have read from the beta guys seems like everyone played base mod; classic mod helped to make T2 more "playable" (physics velocity and Minedisk); if u compare a classic match to a cluster match u will notice that there is a big difference: cluster was made only to have a game with less ppl and more action, but on the other hand every player uses the same 3 weapon (another big difference to classic gameplay, where Mortar and sniper rifles are needed in a good tactic). :)
btw minedisk on T:V could be tested, just to see how it works and if changes the gameplay in better :roller:

This is a new game, no mine discing will be put in, reguardless of what you say.

Additionally, you are yet to play so can not comment on whether it would be needed or not, I have (and still am) playing, and its not needed at all.
Sojourn said:
I'd very much like to know how your capper plans on knocking or killing a LD who is hovering above the flag.

I've done this hundreds of times, and the only time it ever failed was when I simply screwed it up. One capper vs. one LD = Dead capper 9/10 times if the LD is any good.

In T:V (the game we are discussing), the knockback is large enough to move the LD away.
L4MpoTr0N said:
U have taken a stupid example: cluster mod is a 7vs7 battle, and it's a classic revision not so similar to classic mod; u can't compare classic to cluster: first of all classic it's 12vs12, and also, u have to study a good tactic, skill is not the only thing u need.

By the comments i have read from the beta guys seems like everyone played base mod; classic mod helped to make T2 more "playable" (physics velocity and Minedisk); if u compare a classic match to a cluster match u will notice that there is a big difference: cluster was made only to have a game with less ppl and more action, but on the other hand every player uses the same 3 weapon (another big difference to classic gameplay, where Mortar and sniper rifles are needed in a good tactic). :)

You do realise by using the word "U" it removes the entire impact of your statement right?

Oh, and zod was saying that the minedisk wasn't useless but you can live without it.
I just find it funny how he keeps saying minedisking was what made the game great.

You'll note most people here agreed with KP on his points about what made tribes great (freedom of movement, speed, and the need for team play, not team work) you'll find that nowhere in the list of what made it a great game was the "combo one-shot kill that absolutely owned everything"

Classic T2 is better than base T2 because they got rid of the soupy feeling. It's like why having a ball and chain on your foot is worse than not having it there. Not because noone is going to sell you a gun when you have a ball and chain on your foot, but because you have this HUGE wait on you that is severely restricting where you can go.

Oh, and even if I accept that the mine/disk wasn't a bad thing in T1 and T2 (I adapted to it, but I always did, and still do hate it) it WILL ruin Vengeance. Why? Because the mine is now a DEPLOYABLE, so with MDing in Vengeance there won't be any mines for the flag because stupid newbs will grab all the mines to try and MD people.

Thrax has said several times it's not going in, and they compromised with the grenade/disc. Sounds like a decent compromise as it seems to be a bit harder to pull off.
Mine disking is a technique used by all T1 and T2 classic players to kill and destroy people and objects quicker. It takes skill to do it well in a consistent manner, where coordination and timing are the two main factors. Now some will argue it doesn’t take skill throwing a mine to an enemy and to just shoot it, but look at it from the perspective of the enemy who’s about to be mine disked; a good player would try to circumvent any damage lost and come up with a smart counter-attack to penetrate his opponent. Being proactive about getting hurt from a MD is equally important than shooting a MD. It was a part of Tribes 1 (as a bug which ironically became part of the Tribes game play), not a part of Tribes 2 Base (and about 25% of its suckiness was because of it), and flourished in Tribes 2 Classic.
triQ said:
Mine disking is a technique used by all T1 and T2 classic players to kill and destroy people and objects quicker. It takes skill to do it well in a consistent manner, where coordination and timing are the two main factors. Now some will argue it doesn’t take skill throwing a mine to an enemy and to just shoot it, but look at it from the perspective of the enemy who’s about to be mine disked; a good player would try to circumvent any damage lost and come up with a smart counter-attack to penetrate his opponent. Being proactive about getting hurt from a MD is equally important than shooting a MD. It was a part of Tribes 1 (as a bug which ironically became part of the Tribes game play), not a part of Tribes 2 Base (and about 25% of its suckiness was because of it), and flourished in Tribes 2 Classic.

The skill it takes to mine-disc effectively is nowhere near the results you get from mine-discing.
triQ said:
Mine disking is a technique used by all T1 and T2 classic players to kill and destroy people and objects quicker. It takes skill to do it well in a consistent manner, where coordination and timing are the two main factors. Now some will argue it doesn’t take skill throwing a mine to an enemy and to just shoot it, but look at it from the perspective of the enemy who’s about to be mine disked; a good player would try to circumvent any damage lost and come up with a smart counter-attack to penetrate his opponent. Being proactive about getting hurt from a MD is equally important than shooting a MD. It was a part of Tribes 1 (as a bug which ironically became part of the Tribes game play), not a part of Tribes 2 Base (and about 25% of its suckiness was because of it), and flourished in Tribes 2 Classic.

Counter: It's a LOT harder to avoid a mine-disk on a route than it is to hit someone trying to avoid a mine-disk with said mine-disk.

And I play both T1 and T2 and don't mine-disk. I don't like it, so please don't use blanket statements like that because in terms of arguments I just invalidated a big fact in your argument by being the proof against it (but whatever, this is TW not a formal debate ;) )

But whatever, Mine-Disking was in T1 and T2 and I dealt with it then. Why can't you guys deal that you'll need a bit more skill for the same effect in TV? I thought you hated defense oriented game, and MDing makes the game more D oriented.
Validuz said:
You're right. After playing TV (aka newbie shit) for five minutes.. I wasn't really missing the mine-disc at all, I was missing Tribes.

I hope you spent more than 5 minutes playing the game. It has a lot more depth than you give it credit for. I think people are just pissy because they'll actually have to relearn the game.
LostAngel said:

there's only like 50 threads on this
are you scanning all threads to post that statement there?

anyway....please leave MD alone. While it was fun in previous titles, i'm glad that it's gone in T:V and that there are other options.