[request]Minedisc on T:V



I'd like to know if u think it's possible to try the mine disc during the beta. This could be useful in order to balance the high speed reached by the FCs. It's a beta, so you can just try it, see if it works, and then if necessary you can turn it back as before.
I want to underline that on tribes2 minedisk wasn' t present...then the community implemented it with the classic mod.

thank you
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In tribes 1 & 2 minedisk was well balanced in the gameplay....it never ruined the gameplay, but improved it.
mine disc ruined the gameplay. it effectively negated any need for positioning. all you needed to be effective was to respawn, get mines and stand near the flag, then suicide when a capper who had spent 2 minutes setting up flew in.

mine disc is cheap and ruins gameplay.
ExitJudas said:
mine disc ruined the gameplay. it effectively negated any need for positioning. all you needed to be effective was to respawn, get mines and stand near the flag, then suicide when a capper who had spent 2 minutes setting up flew in.

mine disc is cheap and ruins gameplay.

Not to totally piss on your example, but any competent capper would have either knocked that person away from the stand or killed them completely. Never mind the support that they would have to do the same thing.
dommy said:
Not to totally piss on your example, but any competent capper would have either knocked that person away from the stand or killed them completely. Never mind the support that they would have to do the same thing.

I'd very much like to know how your capper plans on knocking or killing a LD who is hovering above the flag.

I've done this hundreds of times, and the only time it ever failed was when I simply screwed it up. One capper vs. one LD = Dead capper 9/10 times if the LD is any good.
think again. you dont have to litterally stand on the flag stand, just hover nearby and throw the mine the last couple of meters. usually there are more than one mine discer at the stand under any circumstances. If you have played any amount of t1/ t2 classic/cluster you would know that mine disc kills are the end all be all weapon in these games.
ExitJudas said:
mine disc ruined the gameplay. it effectively negated any need for positioning. all you needed to be effective was to respawn, get mines and stand near the flag, then suicide when a capper who had spent 2 minutes setting up flew in.

mine disc is cheap and ruins gameplay.

No, it didn't. Mine-discing effectively negated the cowboy capper (against good LD). It didn't ruin the gameplay. It altered it.
well to put it differently:

The game is more interesting when the flag is in play, when you have to grab, ski, chase, shoot, i.e. fight for the flag.

mine discing altered the game:

it created a weapon that was effectively a one shot kill disc, which imo pisses on the other weapons (except CG). no wonder t2 cluster has degraded into a game with the already OP chaingun, the minedisc combo and a GL that needed a serious upgrade to compete with the former two.

atm cluster has to roles, O and D


scenario1: respawn, ski to flag, wait, mine disc, suicide, repeat
scenario2: respawn, ski to flag, wait, mine disc (miss!) either suicide to get mine/health then DJ) or DJ after capper and mine disc him when he lands.


scenario1: fight endlessly respawning minediscing defenders until you die to try to clear the flag.

scenario2: go for the flag and get mine disced by waiting respawned ld.

scenario3: go for flag and luckily get away because the LD is spawning to get more mines. get mine disced at own base or chained on the way.

maybe the defenders will cluster the flag home, maybe not, depends on their skill.

IMO the mine disc is central to this play style and oh god how i hate it compared to regular tribes1/2 (even though i do play it due to lack of better games :)
Mine discing is cheap depending on how you use it, like many things.

Example, on duel it really pisses me off when people point blank mine disc to win, since normaly it would kill us both, i think its cheap as hell. Same with those people that just hover tossing mines all over.

But when im going HO and some LD shuts me down with a great MA MD that does no dmg to him and stops me dead in the air, id consider it a great shot. Same with any MA MD dosnt has some good distance to it.

I dont really care that you cant MD in T:V, too many people bitched about it, and just as many used it poorly. It dosnt suprise me that they took it out either.
L4MpoTr0N said:
This could be useful in order to balance the high speed reached by the FCs.
Have you even played the game? A deployable brick wall would also "balance" the high speeds you can reach, but that doesn't mean its a good idea. The game is fine without mine discing. If you need to do more damage, drop grenades. They have a much shorter fuse than in t1/t2.
The damage and the rate of fire of the new hand nades makes them just as fun as mine/disk. They are quite effective without being ridiculous.
When I was reading this thread, I was like "wtf is a mini-disc"
Then i figured out it was minedisc

All is right in the world.
btw, leave it out or put it in, I don't care.