rank the republican candidates for president

lol he bought a boat and lives in Florida.. OMG OMG OMG, STOP THE PRESSES

But you know, all the shit Hillary does is a-ok because she has a "D" beside her name.......

How dare you mention her, you misogynist.

Didnt you know:

-she left WH broke
-didnt steal any furniture from the WH when she left
-she has to drive herself around (not a Limousine Liberal)
-has Million$ of accomplishments to her name
-never broke the law as secretary of state
-has a real southern drawl
-doesnt change her 'accent' when addressing blacks
-not responsible for the deaths of Americans in Libya
-nothing to do with jailing a very minor film maker accused of sparking an attack on the US Embassy in Libya
-pays women more than men

Look at all those accomplishments.
How dare you mention her, you misogynist.

Didnt you know:

-she left WH broke
-didnt steal any furniture from the WH when she left
-she has to drive herself around (not a Limousine Liberal)
-has Million$ of accomplishments to her name
-never broke the law as secretary of state
-has a real southern drawl
-doesnt change her 'accent' when addressing blacks
-not responsible for the deaths of Americans in Libya
-nothing to do with jailing a very minor film maker accused of sparking an attack on the US Embassy in Libya
-pays women more than men

Look at all those accomplishments.
dont forget, she takes her orders from the CFR but other than that, everything you said is spot on. She is a total embarrassment to this nation and it drives me nuts that the media is treating her the same way they treated Obama.

i can't wait to hear her speech to the Israeli lobby.
For all the defensive posturing about rubios aweful money management skills, I dont see anyone willing to challenge the idea that hes not fiscally conservative in his personal life.

And yea, I agree hillary sucks.

So you better come up with a true conservative alternative. That means no rubio. Marco is the perfect antithesis for how our economy should work for the common man, instead of investing and reaping a profit from hard work, hes spending money he doesnt have and getting a bailout to write a book, then immediately repeating the process of spending money he doesnt have. How about a fiscal conservative who is a living breathing example of how we can all get ahead without recieving sweet deals from publishing companies for a book nobody will read about a guy who spends beyond his means.
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except bernie thinks everything should be free

which, in reality, means nobody pays for anything but the tax payer

until our debts/deficits turn us into europe.

which, i know, is what most derelictions of our society want.

People are outraged about Kansas' 'tax on the poor' - Business Insider


Greeks Rush the Banks; Lines Form at ATMs; Nearly $1 Billion Withdrawn in Past Week

neoliberalism explained....

i dunno if he wants everything to be free but he is the best candidate electable by a large margin imo
i dunno if he wants everything to be free but he is the best candidate electable by a large margin imo

well nothing is free....not even bottled water. but he is sure peddling it like it was.


guy is pro paying people to have babies....pro paying people to stay at home to take care of their babies....pro immigration....pro government spending everything.

so if a lack of new mouths to feed (be them foreign or domestic) and astronomical new debt levels is our solution. He has all our answers and then some.
guy is pro paying people to have babies....pro paying people to stay at home to take care of their babies....pro immigration....pro government spending everything.

thats the way the worlds gonna go regardless of if its legislated for or not tho
You are a far left extremist; your posts provide all the evidence needed. Hell, you and iseetardo are both on-board with "man made climate change", lulz. You hate anyone who isnt ideologically aligned with you. Now you parrot another hit piece of a junior senator's finances but you completely ignored another junior senator's history and past.

You voted for owebama twice. what about the trillions owebama racked up in office that you cared about under bush?

If rubio attended a church that made alot of racial statements, you would go further off the deep end than you do now about "fiscal conservatism" that you conveniently ignore with owebama.

What a piece of work you are, lol.

dishonest regressive scum from start to finish

bitched about bush deficit spending

obama did that x2

bitched about war for wmd

celebrated the idea when obama pushed for it in syria

cried about bush lied people died in iraq

obama is starting the war back up with boots on the ground

cried about war in afghanistan

obama has watched 4x as many of our troops die there


giant lying, manipulative, bags of contradictory fecal fuckall from start to finish.

bitching about rubio given hitlary's spending and money comments.


add it to the deception list.
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Jeb! (has a really stupid campaign logo, I think he and Hillary should just run together)

I'm ready for hilarity, but I dunno about hillary.

That Jeb! logo is really really bad. It doesn't make me think that it's being called out with excitement or some other positive thing. It makes me think of his parents calling his name because they're pissed at him.
JEB is not even his real name.

And when I hear Ready for Hillary, I hear "Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs."
Hillary would be ok. She's a cunt, but I really don't care if my president is likable or not. Bernie Sanders would be ok, right now I like Elizabeth Warren the best though.