rank the republican candidates for president

1. George Pataki (eh)

2. Marco Rubio (ugh)

3. Rand Paul (at least he's okay on like two issues)

4. Carly Fiorina (meh)

5. Rick Perry (lol)

6. Rick Santorum (secretly gay)

7. Ben Carson (where the "move to canada" threat becomes real life)

8. Mike Huckabee (defender of child molestation)

9. Ted Cruz (somehow still worse than a defender of child molestation)

10. Lindsey Graham (head explodes)
Doesn't matter. Every single one of them are better than hillary.

Except maybe Lindsey graham.

That's like saying shitting a bowling ball is less painful than shitting a soccer ball because the bowling ball is smooth.

(They're both going to ruin your anus forever)
That's like saying shitting a bowling ball is less painful than shitting a soccer ball because the bowling ball is smooth.

(They're both going to ruin your anus forever)

You've been wanting to use that one for a while now, haven't you?
Most likely:

1. Bush (the name and his fundraising powerhouse)

2. Walker (stood up to the Unions and crybabies in Wisconsin)

3. Rubio (Charismatic, Latino)

4. Cruz (he will kill in the debates)

5. Paul (will have crazy supporters but is too scary for social conservatives)

And then the rest in no order.....

Pataki, lol...... Carly ran HP into the ground...... Perry is a scumbag. Huckabee/Santorum have no chance at all..... Graham may win his state or he may drop out long before that...... Carson will fuck up again.

I think that a Bush/Rubio ticket is most likely at this point as the eventual nomination.
this is the bastard child of odio and triple


obama has showed the rest of the world that he draws red lines in dry erase markers

maybe the next president will wear big boy pants
this is the next president so I'm not sure why u guys are debating this stuff anyway
