[Public Intoxication]I lost my ticket


Nice wedding ring
In order to be a top party school you must meet the following qualifications:

1. Large student population
2. Warm state (sorry cold staters, there's nothing sexy about sweatshirts)
3. Good looking women (sorry Ohio)
4. Low GPA (see ya overachieving ivy leaguers. Your drinking is usually a depressing binge leaning towards suicide)
5. Not much else to do in town (eliminates most major city campuses)

2 is violated by Colorado but I guess the amount of weed that's smoked makes up for the weather.
Colorado is nice during the warmer months and makes up for it with a healthy ski town party atmosphere.
In order to be a top party school you must meet the following qualifications:

1. Large student population
2. Warm state (sorry cold staters, there's nothing sexy about sweatshirts)
3. Good looking women (sorry Ohio)
4. Low GPA (see ya overachieving ivy leaguers. Your drinking is usually a depressing binge leaning towards suicide)
5. Not much else to do in town (eliminates most major city campuses)

1. WVU
2. WVU
3. WVU (not residents, just students)
4. Definately WVU
5. During football games the stadium is the most populous place in WV.

Great school.
:huh: What the fuck? I said -for a reason- that the I'll skip the story as nobody would fucking read it. If you really want the story here you fucking go:

I was drinking all night at a frat house and I was beating brothers at chugging, beer pong, "flippy cup" (aka turbos / flip cup) and quarters. After drinking all of that, I came back to my roommate having the name tag flipped (aka 'fucking some chick'), knocked on the door and he said give me an hour to fuck this chick. So I walked outside, lit up a cigarette, talked to a friend then two Asian people come about five yards away and start talking emotional shit, then start making out. I wanted to give them space so I walked about 15 yards away from them and turned away from them continually smoking my cigarettes.

Then after 30 minutes, a cop walks by from the direction I was looking away from, I look at him and he just walks by. Then I stand up, throw my cigarette away and start walking to the door. Then he says "Hey wait, can I ask you a couple of questions?" then I politely walk back and start just casually talking to him. I was completely coherent and spoke to him normally. Eventually he asks why I was out here and I responded that my roommate as 'busy' with somebody in my room. Then he looked at my with his flashlight and said "You know, most college sex involves alcohol" and then I responded something along the lines of "Yeah, sadly". Then he asks if I was drinking tonight and I responded "No sir, I haven't been drinking". Then he asks "Look, I'm going to ask you again and if you don't I'm going to bring you down to the station and make you take a Breathalyzer there". Then I didn't want any hassle and thought he was a cool cop, so I responded "Sorry officer, I have drank some tonight". Then he jokes around and then continues talking to me.

Then his friend comes by who just had to put up with a resisting arrest apparently, and was a total dick. Then the other cop told him what the deal was and he said "Oh no, we need to get into the academy, I'm writing him an appearance ticket". Then he whips out the Breathalyzer, I blow a .109 (which isn't very high for drinking throughout the night). Then he writes me a ticket, the other cop was "eh" about it all and then they walk away.

Fyi, I've been drinking tonight (and would probably blow a ~.19 - 2.2) and you can hopefully see that I can hold my own liquor you dumb ass.

Stop being an idiot meber

P.S. Stop being a total fuckwad and see that I posted proper etiquette of hot chicks with a question. If I could block your ip from the pictures I would.

btw I read this as thoroughly as I read your original post. That is to say, I read the first sentence.

What the fuck? indeed, faggot. Learn how to hold your liquor and you won't get MIPs. End of story.
Kill Me Plz said:
Fyi, I've been drinking tonight (and would probably blow a ~.19 - 2.2) and you can hopefully see that I can hold my own liquor you dumb ass.

I challenge you to blow anywhere even within the vicinity of 2.2....rofl

edit: And I've always been under the impression that UW Madison had the biggest party school, I'm almost certain of it.
I challenge you to blow anywhere even within the vicinity of 2.2....rofl

edit: And I've always been under the impression that UW Madison had the biggest party school, I'm almost certain of it.

it used to always rank in atleast the top 3 if not number one. my cousins went there and i considered it for a while. i haven't seen any recent stats for party schools lately so i don't know if it is still so.

edit: pi are bullshit unless you are bothering someone else which sounds like you weren't. too bad some cops are just dicks.
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why the hell would you argue the rank of your party school. It's like fraternity reject central in this thread. Who gives a fuck, grow past the age of 21, realize that drinking on campus is what teenagers do and go get a life.
why the hell would you argue the rank of your party school. It's like fraternity reject central in this thread. Who gives a fuck, grow past the age of 21, realize that drinking on campus is what teenagers do and go get a life.

What a badass. Wanna join my e-frat?