Pro life folks

if everything is according to gods plan

does that mean he planned all those abortions and miscarriages

is the lord the biggest baby killer of all time?
The more Amadeus posts, the more I desperately hope and pray he's a bored philosophy or sociology professor who is intentionally using only logical fallacies to see how people react and is using TW as a social experiment for some groundbreaking theory into human behavior.

I mean it's statistically highly improbable that someone would be this bad at incorporating logic without having died from their own stupidity by now.
the its the will of god argument is always the best response when people try to stop people from doing things because it goes against god.
yall still b puttn 2 much fukn thot in2 dis chit
ded abortd babeez r liberal progressiv demoRAT scumfux so mun very fukn glad dem dyin n allowd 2 b killt in womb yall b thinkn bouttit 2 much ded babeez r ded liberal scumfux ok smdh lol :jester:
It was God's plan to give us free will, yes.
Does God have free will?
Why does he always make the right choice?
I don't think I should be held to such a godly standard
I think that if I was made better
I too could have free will
Always make the right choice

And what's with the flaming sword
Keeping me from full potential
Without free will neither vice nor virtue could exist.

Virtue is the exercise of good character in spite of the temptation and ability to do otherwise.

Vice is most often the path of least resistence and the easier and more self-gratifying choice. A good example is “abortion” which serves to get rid of the “problem” of having to deal with the ongoing responsibility of a human life.
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Does God have free will?
Why does he always make the right choice?
I don't think I should be held to such a godly standard
I think that if I was made better
I too could have free will
Always make the right choice

And what's with the flaming sword
Keeping me from full potential

Just use simple logic.

“Right” can be equated to “proper function” or “what works.” Thus the “right choice” would pertain to the same. Thus “I choose” to change the oil in my car periodically because that choice aligns with the “proper function “ of my vehicle.

Why would God then “always” make the right choice? Well, if God is of good character and understands proper function then it is logical to assume that only the right choice makes sense.

Why should we be held to such a godly standard? Well that would depend if God desires to intimately fellowship with sentient living souls, if so then those souls would need to be inclined towards “proper function” lest they be in disagreement and in confrontation with God.

This is why I personally believe that statements like the following are a profound evidence that Jesus is/was exactly whom he said he was...

Joh 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Joh 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
Joh 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Jesus taught a doctrine of pure benevolent love, the very opposite of selfish indulgence and called all people to be followers of his doctrine and example. He claimed that the “condemnation” pertained to a rejection of those principles, a rejection of “proper function.”

It makes sense to me.

Just some food for thought pertaining to things I have pondered for many years.
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yall still b puttn 2 much fukn thot in2 dis chit
ded abortd babeez r liberal progressiv demoRAT scumfux so mun very fukn glad dem dyin n allowd 2 b killt in womb yall b thinkn bouttit 2 much ded babeez r ded liberal scumfux ok smdh lol :jester:

I still say I'd have made better choices if I really was made in the image of God. Free Will without the right equipment is worthless. We are all only a step or two away from retard. I want the same omniscience and omnipotence as God and I bet I could put my free will to better use, (like not knocking up that pretty thing in high school), and always making the right good choice. But oh well, I guess this retard's going to hell for eternity because of a hundred years of fuck up.
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