Post your shitty tattoos

I'm not a huge fan of getting something permanently inked to my skin that I could express just as easily my own joy for with stickers/tshirts/etc. Having said that, there are some badass tattoos out there in the world and incredible artists that apply that badassery.

white trash full ashtray next to a bottle of budweiser on the kitchen floor
I don't disrespect people that get tattoos, well unless they're of a fucking dick dolphin. Christ, wtf is wrong with you

But as I was saying, I don't generally disrespect people that get tattoos, but I personally I don't ever see myself getting one. I know that no matter what I get, I'll end up regretting it eventually.

thats the vampire woman. shes actually a lawyer, or used to be one, something like that. she raises a bunch of money for women in abusive relationships. found a blog post on her

Vampire Lawyer | Happenings on the Hill

There is a Mexican woman who is an attorney and has transformed herself via body modification into a Vampire Woman. According to the news reports, 35-year-old Mexican attorney Maria Jose Cristerna was a domestic violence victim and began the transformation as a result of her abusive relationship. Now, she is known as Mexico’s Vampire Woman and has 98% of her body covered with tattoos. She reports that the horns she had implanted are a symbol of strength and were implanted in her head without use of anesthesia and the prosthetic fangs were done because she loved vampires as a little girl. In addition to being an attorney she is also a tattoo artist and says that tattooing is her way of being immortal by placing tattoos on other people’s skin which will be there after she is gone.

I don’t know what type of law she practices or what they say when she goes into a courtroom, but seriously, implantation of horns without anesthesia — she’s one tough chick.

Imagine the look on opposing counsel’s face when she walks into a room.

you could fuck her earlobes instead, caelum.

plus you could hold on to her head pretty easy since she's got built-in grip knobs
I always wonder why someone hasn't developed ink that lasts for 1-3 years or until a device removes the ink for you. Without having to do the laser treatment. With all the crazy stuff Crayola comes out with, that seems like it would be a relatively on par thing to create. The market for 1-3 year tattoos seems like it would be HUGE.

I would think, with some basic science logic, such a thing would be incredibly difficult to make right now. Each color would potentially be chemically different, and the ink itself would be difficult to make last for a set amount of time since I would suspect you'd have to rely on the skin and body's own natural bio chemical processes to break down such an ink. Not to mention attempting to gear it towards specifically breaking down after a stable period of time.

Seems like way too much work for something that "non-critical" when you can use things to develop more medicines, new research into cancer, etc.
that is the difference between me and you. I would have to try it if it was offered.

Big gamble, especially since she was in an abusive relationship. You get even the slightly bit assertive/aggressive during the BJ and it may trigger some instinctive reaction brought on by that abusive past and she may just bite down.
Big gamble, especially since she was in an abusive relationship. You get even the slightly bit assertive/aggressive during the BJ and it may trigger some instinctive reaction brought on by that abusive past and she may just bite down.

thanks, i will keep that in mind if I ever get up to the plate.
UV ink for tattoo's usually only has a 1-3 year lifespan before fading, and shows up only under a black light. I have seen alot of very intricate work done with UV, but the short lifespan is usually a huge downside, and is used only to accent other permanent tattoo's.

sometimes with a heavier handed tattoo artist, you can get some scar tissue from the application process, which can create a ghost image that is more permanent unfortunately.

I see. But the downside is you have to be under a black light. I'm sure I am one of many that would have gotten a tattoo back in college knowing that it can be removed without heavy treatment or naturally within a certain time period. Even now I am 31 and can think of times recently where I thought a tattoo would be cool, but I wouldn't want it removed by laser or having it when I am older.

Seems like a huge market, let's do it TW!
At that point, a tattoo only seems like a "whim" customization, and you might as well just get some henna done. way cheaper, painless and last about a month or two if done properly.