Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2


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Dude has a bed in a shed, and something vaguely resembling a roof over his head, and still manages to look like he woke up in a shop doorway. That takes some proper lack of effort.
Sure. Not necessarily that age but alway older than myself as those ages tend to not steal from me, need a place to stay, and need money. Plus I learn from them. It's no accident my man friend is a PD Sergeant.
Only folks who have a prob with law enforcement are criminals. GFY

EXAMPLE: Know a guy who rants and raves about the fact he has not been allowed to have a DL for like 11 years. Blames Law Enforcement.


Same guy blames Law Enforcement for kicking his ass every time they stop him for driving drunk/high/no DL.


So yeah like I said. Only folks with a prob with Law Enforcement are criminals. I know. I used to be a criminal. I know exactly how they think. I know how they walk. I know how they talk. Which is one reason I am very good at infiltrating/busting them. You might not give a rats ass about your community but fortunately I do not share your shortcomings.
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Massachusetts has an entire state troopers troop that has been caught stealing from taxpayers with overtime fraud. Several have already been convicted. Cops are well known to be thieves and thugs and you know this to be true.
Massachusetts has an entire state troopers troop that has been caught stealing from taxpayers with overtime fraud. Several have already been convicted. Cops are well known to be thieves and thugs and you know this to be true.

Mass is a shitty place so not surprised at all.

you kind of look like a pedophile that never went through the bald phase.

Any other unintelligent things to say?