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Only folks who have a prob with law enforcement are criminals. GFY

EXAMPLE: Know a guy who rants and raves about the fact he has not been allowed to have a DL for like 11 years. Blames Law Enforcement.


Same guy blames Law Enforcement for kicking his ass every time they stop him for driving drunk/high/no DL.


So yeah like I said. Only folks with a prob with Law Enforcement are criminals. I know. I used to be a criminal. I know exactly how they think. I know how they walk. I know how they talk. Which is one reason I am very good at infiltrating/busting them. You might not give a rats ass about your community but fortunately I do not share your shortcomings.

What if you disagree with the whole system?
If you are coming from pure place that's just naivety speaking. Humans are #1 predatory species on planet. Without order chaos will ensue. Some will enjoy the chaos. Most will not.

I have a problem with abuse of authority, always have and always will. Law enforcement attracts the type of personality that likes to abuse authority. I know there are some good decent cops. However a lot of cops are very poor character thugs with badges.

Guess what, everytime a cop fixed a ticket he is breaking the law. Everytime he is driving 90+mph to then tailgate to push cars out of the passing lane he is breaking the law.
As do I. Agreed. Agreed again. Bad apples will be in any bunch. That's basic human nature. The trick is to not throw the good cops in with the bad bunch because the bad ones are the minority. Despite my past I have not once been mistreated in anyway by a LEO. Ever.
I have a problem with abuse of authority, always have and always will. Law enforcement attracts the type of personality that likes to abuse authority. I know there are some good decent cops. However a lot of cops are very poor character thugs with badges.

Guess what, everytime a cop fixed a ticket he is breaking the law. Everytime he is driving 90+mph to then tailgate to push cars out of the passing lane he is breaking the law.

While i generally agree with you, honestly there are times when thugs with badges are exactly whats needed. you can't be nice guy and be a cop, that will get you dead
I disagree Juggs, you do not have to be a prick or thug to be tough, quite the contrary Imo. If I was the Massachusetts governor I’d remove all managers, fire everyone of them because the corruption is that embedded. I’d replace all of them with civilians that has never been associated with law enforcement until the good old boy mentality has been removed
I disagree Juggs, you do not have to be a prick or thug to be tough, quite the contrary Imo. If I was the Massachusetts governor I’d remove all managers, fire everyone of them because the corruption is that embedded. I’d replace all of them with civilians that has never been associated with law enforcement until the good old boy mentality has been removed

I think a cop needs to be a little bit of a prick and have a thick hide. For instance

Thats Kyle Dinkheller. Look at that baby face. Looks like he just started shaving last week and probably came to work that day with a pb&j and mom cut off the crusts. You can look at this guy and see he's probably a nice guy, you might even let him fuck your sister.

This is what happened to that nice guy

A prick would have put this guy down when he was dancing in the street.

Its just my opinion, but i believe that in certain jobs, such as cop, soldier, the job requires the person to have a bit of being a 'prick' in them due to the nature of the work
cop deserved it.

For being polite, professional, and demonstrating an incredible amount of restraint which ultimately led to his death? Yeah good luck with that logic, or lack thereof.


A prick would have put this guy down when he was dancing in the street.

True. What I don't get is why do peeps recognize they are different from everyone else yet refuse to admit the obvious when it comes to leos? For example. My man friend is the kinda cop that will go the extra mile to cut you slack, write you a warning before a real ticket, not ruin your life over some pot (before possessing 10.5 oz on you was made legal here), but the instant perp picked up a weapon it would have been curtains. He was Ranger in Army before being a LEO. Been shooting with him before. Marksman is serious understatement. I still stand by my previous comment. Even more so after the statements of you two retard criminals.

Only criminals have a problem with law enforcement.
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For being polite, professional, and demonstrating an incredible amount of restraint which ultimately led to his death? Yeah good luck with that logic, or lack thereof.


Hope they all get shot and their families get cancer. you included
Well Juggs like usual your opinion is fucking stupid. At no point in time does a cop or a professional soldier ever need to be a prick. If you are a professional at whatever you do, you carry yourself with confidence and pride and you treat others with respect and dignity at all times. I may at some point have to put a bullet in someone while doing my job but I would never be disrespctful to people while doing it. I have also never stretched the truth looking for a justifiable reason to shoot some like many cops have done.

*edit The cop in that video was the master of his own demise. Very poorly trained if he had any training at all. Too scared to carry out his job. Too scared to even fight for his own life. He easily could have shot the guy when he saw the gun but he was too fucked up with fear to save himself. How he passed any screening to become a cop is beyond me. His department is just as much to blame for his death as the shooter is.
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well, ya in the same way that no chewing gum needs to be more than spearmint

doublemint might not be necessary for a stick of gum to be a professional breath freshener, but it makes it twice as good, u kno?
Well Juggs like usual your opinion is fucking stupid. At no point in time does a cop or a professional soldier ever need to be a prick. If you are a professional at whatever you do, you carry yourself with confidence and pride and you treat others with respect and dignity at all times. I may at some point have to put a bullet in someone while doing my job but I would never be disrespctful to people while doing it. I have also never stretched the truth looking for a justifiable reason to shoot some like many cops have done.

*edit The cop in that video was the master of his own demise. Very poorly trained if he had any training at all. Too scared to carry out his job. Too scared to even fight for his own life. He easily could have shot the guy when he saw the gun but he was too fucked up with fear to save himself. How he passed any screening to become a cop is beyond me. His department is just as much to blame for his death as the shooter is.

art of war chapter 2 verse 16 now in order to kill the enemy, our men must be roused to anger; that there may be advantage from defeating the enemy, they must have their rewards.

I'm sorry but you are wrong good sir this is basic knowledge 101
the cool thing about the art of war is that noobs embrace it wholeheartedly so that the :cool: cool doods :cool: who tell noobs 2 read it can get ez wins b/c they kno wat routes the noobs r going 2 run

rly it's just catcher in the rye 4 ching chang chinks from the 576th century BC
okay... moving on. the cop obviously dide because hes a huge pussy end of that discussion. jeez how easy is it for you guys to get side tracked?
Well Juggs like usual your opinion is fucking stupid. At no point in time does a cop or a professional soldier ever need to be a prick. If you are a professional at whatever you do, you carry yourself with confidence and pride and you treat others with respect and dignity at all times. I may at some point have to put a bullet in someone while doing my job but I would never be disrespctful to people while doing it. I have also never stretched the truth looking for a justifiable reason to shoot some like many cops have done.

*edit The cop in that video was the master of his own demise. Very poorly trained if he had any training at all. Too scared to carry out his job. Too scared to even fight for his own life. He easily could have shot the guy when he saw the gun but he was too fucked up with fear to save himself. How he passed any screening to become a cop is beyond me. His department is just as much to blame for his death as the shooter is.
