Post the MOST RECENT [PIC(s)] of you 2

he really just does need to ease up on the filtering.

it is really weird

then again, if that's the only weird thing about tehvul...
That eye shadow just isn't you. Looks too 'old lady'. You need something in a nice brow

I am an old lady thing. Excuse my ignorance but wtf is a brow as pertains to eye shadow? I'm still new to this dress like a bitch thing.

sorry..i meant brown..something more along the lines with your skin tone. Do something with the brows too. Its making too much light space above your eyes

I don’t understand the concept. Why does he want you to dress like a bitch? He’s gay and want to stick his penis in your anus why can’t you be yourself and dress like a man.

Prob a good thing you don't understand. Dunno why. Confirmed gay. He has zero say how I dress. I dress female because dressed as a female is how I am most comfortable.
Moker did it for years, hoping he could post himself straight. He finally fell in love, left this place, and never looked back. Good on him.
Moker went to jail for being a pedo dude

I do know that he accidentally posted his kid-porn to the Tribe hub, but that was years ago. He went to jail? I did not know that.
The last picture I saw of him, he was sitting on his motorcycle, head shaved, all in leather, going to pick up his boyfriend.

I didn't know he went to jail. That's a new one.
Afaik he didn't have child porn, he merely complained that porn on the tw DC hub that was labeled underage wasn't actually underage

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I am old and senile but I remember more. Doesn't matter. Here is a dog

Prob a good thing you don't understand. Dunno why. Confirmed gay. He has zero say how I dress. I dress female because dressed as a female is how I am most comfortable.

Doesnt matter. Why would he accept that? I’m definitely not going to accept it when my wife would dress as a guy.

The thing is he’s gay. Why would he want to walk around with a guy dressed as a girl? The fucking and sucking in the anus part we understand.
maybe as far as having the 3rd most posts in a selfie thread but no selfie of ur own


i know you want to look upon me with adoration

but i will deny you again

because i know it makes everyone here butthurt as fuck as i troll their pictures :)