@people who wait for the closest parking spot...


Veteran XX
while that car just started loading shit into it
when theres an empty spot just a few spaces over
and causing traffic jam

u just made my list

1. jews
2. sjws
3. trannies
10. fanbois
21. slow parkers
22. spawn campers
23. stickers on fruit

which i just made.... grats on being worse than spawn campers :sunny:
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There's also the people who don't know how to park it straight. Go to Costco and it's mind boggling how they park. I took pictures and was going to make a video for Scotty, but never got around to it.

Me? I park far away, next to a curb on one side. Otherwise, I park with the car perfectly centered. To do this, make your wheel line up with the edge of the curb stop, and the car will be perfectly centered.
ya dis was at cosco lol... i park far away too. less chance nigs hittin my shit, more excercise, etc. i dont know bout perfectly centering tho... thats a bit tryhard ngfm ;)

also sharks can jump...wtf :scared:

Here it comes, a lesson in parking. They don't teach this on the drivers test. First the bad.





Don't these people care about door dings?
I'll come back tomorrow with the correct way to do this.
to be fair... those r probably just women.... esp LORIRA plate. prob some fat chic wanting that extra room to get out lol

wait do u actually keep a pic archive of bad park jobs? ;)
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the real villains are slowpokes in the left lane. especially ones who get all butthurt when u pass on the right. the fuck is wrong w/ their brains?
while that car just started loading shit into it
when theres an empty spot just a few spaces over
and causing traffic jam

u just made my list

1. jews
2. sjws
3. trannies
10. fanbois
21. slow parkers
22. spawn campers
23. stickers on fruit

which i just made.... grats on being worse than spawn campers :sunny:

You could just say liberals and fat pig rednecks. That would just about cover it.
Don't these people care about door dings?

i think you answered your own question. there is nothing more boomer than caring about the paint job on your car. ppl pay $35k for powerful machinery and luxurious furnishings then menstruate buckets over a half centimeter white line on the bumper. get your priorities straight.
i think you answered your own question. there is nothing more boomer than caring about the paint job on your car. ppl pay $35k for powerful machinery and luxurious furnishings then menstruate buckets over a half centimeter white line on the bumper. get your priorities straight.

35k for power and luxury? guessing you've never owned a nice car
I NEVER wait
I NEVER follow people to their parking spot
I NEVER even park and wait for someone to come to a particular row.
I am the luckiest mother fucker you've ever seen
when it comes to parking spots
All of my friends and family recognize this and are in awe
God didn't give me much in this life
But he gives me parking close to wherever I want to be...
and I don't even want it; I like to walk. I park far away on purpose just to walk and ask god for another gift...
but no...
parking spaces is what are given to me.

Just the other day my wife starts to fret at the black friday mall...
She's pointing and suggesting and...
I just calmly pull toward the front, in line with a bunch of others, and boomer, some guy crosses between the car in front of me in this line, walks over to his car, gets in and pulls out, perfect for me to pull in.

I can't remember the last time I had to wait for parking, even in California.
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I NEVER wait
I NEVER follow people to their parking spot
I NEVER even park and wait for someone to come to a particular row.
I am the luckiest mother fucker you've ever seen
when it comes to parking spots
All of my friends and family recognize this and are in awe
God didn't give me much in this life
But he gives me parking close to wherever I want to be...
and I don't even want it; I like to walk. I park far away on purpose just to walk and ask god for another gift...
but no...
parking spaces is what are given to me.

Just the other day my wife starts to fret at the black friday mall...
She's pointing and suggesting and...
I just calmly pull toward the front, in line with a bunch of others, and boomer, some guy crosses between the car in front of me in this line, walks over to his car, gets in and pulls out, perfect for me to pull in.

I can't remember the last time I had to wait for parking, even in California.

id like to see that luck tested in SF lol
Left work last night to find another car parked diagonally next to mine. I backed in and they were INCHES away from the drivers front and blocking me in. Dude was in the car, like he had gotten in at the other end of the lot and moved closer to pick up a buddy. He gave me a sheepish look, apologized and moved right away.

My favorite was years ago at a sporting goods store. Some jackwagon parked his miata across two spots in front of the store, and I put my jeep right next to his drivers door within the lines of my spot. He actually had the store page me to the front to move, and then got lippy and loud. I told him to go get fucked and laughed as he climbed his old fat ass across the transmission tunnel and gear shift. His wife was embarrassed he made such an ass out of himself. I would have moved my jeep no problem if he was polite and told him so.
35k for power and luxury? guessing you've never owned a nice car

i never paid 35k for a car but we are saying the same thing anyway, that the value of the vehicle is not especially tied to the paint coat. whether you paid 8k or 125k, you paid it for the magical machine that can transport you 100s of miles in hours while sitting down. or can haul a cabinet down to the asian wife exchange center

oh no someone dinged my door, who cares.
I often park a long way away from the doors, usually then I can get empty spaces on either side b/c ppl are too damn lazy to walk.

I'm already in the shop while fat lazy fuck is still doing a lap of the first rank to get a close park.
