PC gaming nerds enter here

I support what people are saying in the last page. My storage setup:

512gb nvme WD Black
-I put Windows 10 and the open world games on here (COD2, rdr2). Basically, whatever game I am playing at the moment before I uninstall. Typically open world ones since they take some time to load. Coupled with a clean install W10, boots, restarts, and shutdowns only take a few seconds. Having windows on an nvme is a game changer, File Explorer etc.. opens instantly now.

2x1TB ssd WD Blue
-For all my documents, other games, music etc..
There might be a motherboard that can support more than one, but I've never seen that.

There are, i just can't tell if mine is one. Doesn't seem like it in the pics either but I dunno shit about these drives

Yeah, there are. Mine does. I have the Asus Strix Z390-I.

It's not a big deal though only having one. Regular SSDs are still great.

Nah it's the little fucker to the top right of the upper pci slot.... But yeah looks like only one.

Ok. SATA secondary for me...
Mine has one on the front and the other on the back of the board.
also, is anyone mining on these new cards?

eth is paying $3 a day lately on my 1080ti with a mild OC

sold off the rig a couple of years ago...
Well goddamn this curved monitor is the shit. Glad I got it. The real estate is amazing.

And this computer is a powerhouse. Very happy with it. Unfortunately I still hate Win10 so this will take time to get used to. Im on hour 3 of setting up my apps, transfering files etc. Haven't gotten around to downloading any games in Steam yet. Gonna try gaming tomorrow hopefully.

Whats a good way to manage windows on a widescreen monitor? An intuitive configuration to snap multiple windows to sides or corners or whatever... that kinda thing...
you can just grab a window and drag it all the way to the edge and hold there until it shows you can let go and take up half the screen.
I'm curious if you get used to it quickly for architecture stuff. Update the thread later and lemme know.
I already transfered my work files and opened them up for testing. Nothing weird about it at all, they look perfectly fine. I'm keeping this for sure.
you can just grab a window and drag it all the way to the edge and hold there until it shows you can let go and take up half the screen.
I found the windows snap settings and it's enabled but doesn't work. Eh.

Downloaded something called Windock (nice and lightweight) and it seems to work but the setup isnt very intuitive, gotta play more with it today. https://www.ivanyu.ca/windock
One annoying shit: this pc seems to throttle the fans incessantly... Oh you're downloading something? FANSPEED! Oh you're opening a pdf? FANSPEED!

Software fix?
I already transfered my work files and opened them up for testing. Nothing weird about it at all, they look perfectly fine. I'm keeping this for sure.
Awesome. Glad to hear it.

One annoying shit: this pc seems to throttle the fans incessantly... Oh you're downloading something? FANSPEED! Oh you're opening a pdf? FANSPEED!

Software fix?
Depends on your motherboard. You can check their website for that specific model.

If it doesn't, however, you'll need to go into the BIOS and adjust the fan curve there. One of my PCs doesn't allow me to lower the fan from 100% during operation above 70C. I find this incredibly annoying on that computer because CPUs on air spike all the time, so I just keep the curve more consistent at a sacrifice of constant fan noise. I'd rather more whirling sound all the time then it randomly oscillating.

Noise is one of the main reasons I water-cool my system. As long as any reasonable amount of air is going through the radiator, the fans don't need to ramp up like crazy. They can stay at a constant medium speed, low-noise setting.