Paintball. Who plays it?


Veteran XV
Played it last year in the summer once with a group of friends for the first time and loved every bit of it. So I looked online for the equipment and god damn are they expensive. Thinking about picking up a $200 - $250 marker with the tax money but I have no clue which one is good. I've looked online and looks like everyone just has mixed reviews on all the markers out. Friend bought a proto SLG UL and he loves it. I might be getting that one but the regular $200 version and just upgrade parts on it, but i've been reading a lot that they end up needing a good amount of repairs? Anyone recommend any good ones between $150 - $250? Also why the fuck are the tanks so expensive!?
Just buy a used one. People always buy $500 in equipment, play twice and get bored. It's basically new. Of course, you will probably get bored after a few times and never go again as well so you can then sell the equipment yourself and not feel like you wasted money.
I play once in a while.

I borrow my friends' guns where they paid top dollar for the best stuff they use 2 times a year.

I win every time too. :D
I've been slinging paint since 1999. The gear is terribly expensive.. but if you take care of it you only need to drop a bunch of cash once and your gear will last you a very long time. My bag next to me has over a grand of gear in it :X

I haven't looked at low end markers in a long time, but I know you can get markers that use to be over a grand back in the day for way cheap now. Check out the Sypder electrics, they are easy beginner markers and real cheap and if you stop playing you won't have wasted more than a couple hundred.
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they are expensive because most guns now are electronic. you can tap the trigger morse code style and the thing will shoot out like 100 paintballs in 5 seconds. another problem is paintballs are expensive too. and nitrogen tanks are up there as well, not to mention you have to get it filled up a lot.

but no I never played
they are expensive because most guns now are electronic. you can tap the trigger morse code style and the thing will shoot out like 100 paintballs in 5 seconds. another problem is paintballs are expensive too. and nitrogen tanks are up there as well, not to mention you have to get it filled up a lot.

but no I never played

Most fields will fill your tank for free when you are playing
Voxx I have nothing against you but please never refer to paintball as "slinging paint" ever, ever again.
Voxx I have nothing against you but please never refer to paintball as "slinging paint" ever, ever again.

I was going to say slinging rope, but I doubt someone who has only played once would understand that.

I'm afraid of buying used for the obvious shady reasons. That spyder package looks nice. Are they good guns?

Spyders have always been pretty good markers for first time buyers. They don't take much maintenance, they are an easy marker to work on if you do need to play with it, lots of aftermarket upgrades. It really depends how seriously you want to start playing, but I know a lot of people who start off on Sypders. There is another good site to look at.
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I play and you aren't a man out on the field unless you have an Angel in your hands

:lol: That's never gonna happen. I have much more important things I could spend $1500. Thats just ridiculous. Christ thats a lot for a damn gun.

I was going to say slinging rope, but I doubt someone who has only played once would understand that.

row of balls shooting so fast that it looks like rope?
:lol: That's never gonna happen. I have much more important things I could spend $1500. Thats just ridiculous. Christ thats a lot for a damn gun.

row of balls shooting so fast that it looks like rope?

You can actually get like an A4 on Ebay for fairly cheap now (I shoot an A4 Fly with a Euro board). No need to go buy a brand new A1 Fly. and yes! haha
Don't say slinging paint or slinging rope ever again.



Yeah lot of paintball nerds starting to rage already. Wrathchild specifically.

There's cool people who play paintball and then there's nerdily nerds who take it far too seriously and think that because their "sport" involves guns they're somehow cool.

I'm not saying Voxx is one of these nerds, but people who say things like "slinging paint" 99% of the time are. Which is why I asked him to stop. It's for his own good.
i play 5 man sup air with an amateur team here in the UK

you can pick up a sweet marker second hand at seriously cheap prices

they are like cars, lose all their value immediatley you buy them, and people are always looking to upgrade
Tippmann is also an extremely noob friendly name. These are the markers fields rent out to people. A5 or Custom 98 Tippmann A-5 Guns at : Paintball

They are damn near impossible to break, every tech knows how to fix them and they take practically no work to maintain. I would recommend something a little better, personally, but if you really only plan on playing once in awhile you can't go wrong with a Tippmann as a starting point.

Smart Parts is also a good quality brand (jjust trying to give you some info to work with)
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