PAGY - new candidate for TW village idiot ( official )


Veteran XV
53000 posts
never starts a thread of his own. Nothing to say.
Favourite post "no it isn't retard" or variations of this.
Terrible comprehension skills.
even worse at making a cohesive argument, about anything at all.

It takes a special person to be intellectually out of their depth on TW. Pagy take a bow, you special individual.

Elvis Hitler needs to be looking over his shoulder right now.
this is awkward

mostly because this isnt the first thread youve made about me

Somebody will be here soon to defend you and remind us about all of the thought provoking stuff you post. Or maybe not. If an original thought ever crossed your mind it would be an extremely lonely journey.
Yeah that was a pretty stupid mistake, agreed. Won't be doing that again.



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Used to hang out in the hole in the wall bar down the street from my apartment back in the day. It was full of old people almost exclusively, but I was in a new town and only 20, so just getting to have a beer was enough for me at the time. Old man was always in the middle of the bar telling his stories to anyone that would listen. He had them all... you know the types, always start with 'back in.' Like back in the day, back in the war, etc. Always surprised me that despite the old man\old soldier stereotype, the guy never had a bad thing to say about anyone. I mean it, not a negative word came out of his mouth. He'd go on a tirade for half an hour about a crotchety old commanding officer that rode his ass day in and day out, then thank him like he was sitting there listening with the rest of us. One night it was pretty much just me and him, and he'd just finished another of his war stories, and I had to ask the guy... I asked how anyone could get to his age(no disrespect of course) and go through what he'd gone through and seemingly not carry one ounce of baggage with him, not a bit ill will. He leaned back and pulled up his pant leg to reveal a huge scar over his knee cap, gave it a good thump and said he couldn't afford the extra weight on his busted knee.

Anyway, we always called him old iron knee, and this thread just reminded me of him.
mitchdubai's wife contemplates every night - is this the night to take 30 sleeping pills instead of just the one?

also there's nothing wrong with pagy - the only people who truly dislike pagy are the dumb motherfuckers he regularly shits on for being borderline retarded

like mitch
Dude whores for attention, yet his threads lack any retention
In last desperation, you can always count on Bitch's passive aggression.
Posts his daughter on Youtube for Dweasel to bust his nut with butt lube.
Meanwhile t'is boob threatens forum removal if posters don't show him better approval.
