[orbital123] Lifespan extention experiment

look shut up already orbital123. You post the same stupid "I want to live forever" bullshit and it's getting tired.

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His statement is inane. Of course we could accidentally discover the secret to immortality, but it's just as likely that we do it through careful study and experimentation.
People that are 100 look like walking skeletons. What the fuck would you look like after say, 200 years??

Even if we could sustain life that long, the lives we live ruin our bodies. The food is terrible. The air is getting worse. The stress is too high. The list goes on... you'd have to live a perfect life in some remote part of the world and exercise like a psychopath without destroying your bones and joints.
Fuck! They are creating an Ecuadorian super-race. Soon there will be maids that will make the beds of your great-grand children's children.
But guys we do live forever through the wonders of Reincarnation.

As approved by the Chinese Government (hail communism)