[orbital123] Lifespan extention experiment

Fuck! They are creating an Ecuadorian super-race. Soon there will be maids that will make the beds of your great-grand children's children.

:rofl: That's hysterical, though the thing is, we don't need people living longer, the population is already putting stress on the planet, the last thing we need are people living another 730 years to further complicate the situation, that and the longer you live the more you can procreate, meaning more people. "Vancouver! Vancouver! This is it!"
People that are 100 look like walking skeletons. What the fuck would you look like after say, 200 years??

Even if we could sustain life that long, the lives we live ruin our bodies. The food is terrible. The air is getting worse. The stress is too high. The list goes on... you'd have to live a perfect life in some remote part of the world and exercise like a psychopath without destroying your bones and joints.

Are you really this stupid? We are talking about slowing down the aging process, hence a 200 year old won't look or feel like a 200 year old human aging normally. Jesus christ this isn't rocket science people, get a fucking brain.
I've always wanted to live for an outrageously long time. But I'm not sure how I would feel if everybody lived for an outrageously long time. For me it would kinda defeat the purpose :shrug:
Orbital, when this all becomes true say in 50 years.

Will you post a "I told you so" thread?

In 50 years IF TW is still around it will be in the form of a virtual world, hopefully with better graphics than T1. But yes, either way I'll comment on it. We are in for some crazy shit in the next 20 years.
All aging research is a complete crock of shit. I work in a lab that partially studies aging and I have no problem saying this.