[OPINION]What is the best MMO to play now?

So what's the next good mmo gonna be? Kind of seems like a bad time to get into any of the mmo's right now.
If you like WWII fps games and dont mind a slower pace with deeper strategy, you could try wwiionline. I've been thinking about going back, I quit because something else came out that interested me, but I really loved large scale battles with my squad.
I will say I enjoyed Eve for the week that I played it.

You gain skills while not even online, which is nice. But once it takes a week to gain a skill it gets kinda ridiculous. I think I had one that was like 23 days or something. And you can only work 1 at a time.

Thats the games downfall.
Nicodemus said:
Honor Kill point system. Turned the game into a huge giant fucking gankfest.

You could go nowhere, and do nothing.

ummm, it was always a gankfest, i remember trying to get my alts through ashenvale etc before honor came out, now i don't have to have my lvl 60 shaman follow my alts everywhere they go so i can switch chars when i get ganked and wreck the gankers

btw whats this silkroad shit, i like games where i can lvl fast
eq2 trial is only like 600mb for someone who said it was 6gigs...

and it depends what you have recently played.
Me; i've kind of burnt myself out on WoW...all i fucking do is reroll and make alts of alts and alts of alts of alts...it gets pretty pathetic, but it means something is obviously wrong with the game for me. But i've basically burnt myself out on it.

I tried Eq2 2 weeks ago...it's a solid game, if you have the rig to run it with high settings and you actually like the art/graphic style (me, i think the character models are attrocious and goofy looking).

Silkroad online...haven't tried beta yet, but will probably go nowhere and just have a small korean/foreign fanbase and not succeed in the US (compared to a game like Lineage 2, which did very well imo for a korean based game)

Planetside: SOE has basically put this game on auto-pilot to it's death. (they already announced a new MMOFPS in the works, which they even said "will not make the mistakes we did with Planetside") You are now paying to see advertisements and billboards. Not to mention the 'mechs' are really overpowered and ruin the ground game.

SWG: well...at first i liked the NGE, but then i saw the whole picture. They are dumbing down the game to make it simpler and easier to port to consoles / be played with a controller. By doing this, they have taken away everything that made SWG unique for the first year it was out (the very first 'combat upgrade' was the end of the game in my eyes).

I'm considering trying out Lineage 2 again as that game always holds my attention for a bit, and who knows i might enjoy it and get somewhere. L2 has the most sexy character models / armor / textures of any game i've ever seen also, so that's a plus. The Castle Sieging adds a uniquness to pvp too, and the arena is always fun too when bored. Yeah it's one of the biggest level treadmills / grinds out there but in the end...aren't all MMO's.

as you can see, i'm bored, and desperatley need a game to play..otherwise i wouldn't have wasted the time to type this

EVE is worth it after one or two months. Just got my domi, so now the solo tanking and mining is bringing in the dough :D
I am working on my firtst month of EVE. it is slow but I am going to give it a chance. It really seems like it has great potential.
TheGhost said:
ummm, it was always a gankfest, i remember trying to get my alts through ashenvale etc before honor came out, now i don't have to have my lvl 60 shaman follow my alts everywhere they go so i can switch chars when i get ganked and wreck the gankers

btw whats this silkroad shit, i like games where i can lvl fast

You're dumb. It was always a very low to mild gankfest when it was just pvp.

The second honor points came in, there was nowhere you could go. They gave points for killing people 10 lvls lower than you. You have like no sense of the game whatsoever. All the mid levels would kill the lowbies. All the high lvls would kill the mid lvls. And then then the guys 50-59 would have nowhere to go cuz fucking batallions of lvl 60's would be in those leveling areas.

It was NOWHERE near as bad BEFORE the honor system. Yeah you'd get ganked. But nothing near after it.
if i actually had a OK comp...i'd play City of Hero's....i'll be gettin CoV once i get a new comp....in 6 months or so :/
Nicodemus said:
Now they're grasping for straws. The games dead.

Are you serious?


Edit: Btw, I agree with you. The honor system fucking sucks. PvP rocked when the battles were their own reward.
Did you even play it before the honor system? It was fun, and you could get around.

You can't go anywhere now. The gank groups in the old days were for fun. Now its manditory. Its killed the fun. If my rogue wasn't lvl 60 before all that, I would have never made it to 60. Ever. E/WPL after the patch had gank crews of 60+ people sweeping every inch of the goddamm zones.
WoW is the most popular right now, but that's no opinion and that's just numbers. But #'s don't equal fun to everyone.
Nicodemus said:
Did you even play it before the honor system? It was fun, and you could get around.

You can't go anywhere now. The gank groups in the old days were for fun. Now its manditory. Its killed the fun. If my rogue wasn't lvl 60 before all that, I would have never made it to 60. Ever. E/WPL after the patch had gank crews of 60+ people sweeping every inch of the goddamm zones.
I've played since release and I agree completely.

But to claim the game is "dead" is just stupid. It's massive and still getting bigger.