[OPINION]What is the best MMO to play now?

EVE is overwhelming... going anywhere takes like about 30 min. I was doing "deliveries" just to get some money and It would take forver.. just way too slow for me. I'm sure it has potential but there is no depth upfront.
eve looks neat, especially since i get skills when i'm not online lol

teknoice, if money's such a big deal just buy currency off eBay
GraphiX said:
eve looks neat, especially since i get skills when i'm not online lol

teknoice, if money's such a big deal just buy currency off eBay

Doesn't really make the game any faster its still slow :/
I gave eve a shot, but found that sitting around and chatting while waypointing was just a bit boring, at least to get started..

Have a few 60s in WoW, but I'm about WoW'ed out.. I'm halfway to Tier1 items on my main (i know, behind the curve), but the MC / Onyxia / BWL grinds are just so boring after a while (and costly)

I played eq2 up to a lvl 15 char, but I found the linking and mob difficulty for solo (and the group attack scheme) to be wiggy.. plus the gfx style was avg, though the polies counts were sweet..

For those of you who say that EQ1 was so much deeper- I submit it wasn't even as deep, but just took advantage of the time.

I haven't tried CoV yet, but COH was indeed a blast, particularly if you knew people to play with. The problem I had at the end was a the reverse problem of WoW.. The gearhunt in COH is missing, the gearhunt in WoW endgame is boring.. heh.. there has to be a balance. I may try CoV here soon..

anyway, I think it's time to fire up another round of Planescape: Torment.. Whaddaya say Morte?

Women were the reason I became a monk - and, ah, the reason I switched back...
EQ2 is much more solo friendly now.

I've got a 35 Zerker who is almost a level 50 Provisioner
Also got a 24 Illusionist who's a 60 Alchemist
Then a few other level 20ish toons

If you actually get into EQ2, I can send you a link to a page that can tweak your video settings to get better performance and better quality.

The reason the graphics in EQ2 are so choppy is so that next gen systems will still be getting tested hard. As of yet, SOE said there's not a PC around that can run Extreme Quality settings without bogging down hardcore.