Old Belgian 'Bolt' ends his life his way


Tribalwar Overlord
Veteran XX
and he did it with a party..


"95-year-old ‘Belgian Bolt’ holds big party before ending life by euthanasia"

Mad respect, I saw him run live 2012 on the world indoor championships which was held in my city.
the old man looked so full of life and I bet he still was before this decision to take his life.
hmm then you have this..which fucking sucks all around.


“(Dresser) told me he failed to complete his mission and that was to kill his wife and then himself because his wife did not wish to live anymore,” Deputy Donald Gibson said in a Carson City Sheriff’s Office declaration of probable cause report released Monday.

After 63 years of marriage, William Dresser told Gibson that his 86-year-old wife had been recently paralyzed after an accident
icfire planned to do something similar in a couple of decades... a couple of decades ago