[OFN?] Pentagon Approves production of F-35

the A10 was brought into service before the first F117 prototype was flown. it was designed for a close air support role and is covered in armor plating (not RAM). it also features two exposed turbofan (read: not stealthy) engines.

i think it's safe to say the A10 is not a stealth aircraft.
A-10 is stealthy like a sledge hammer to the face :)

Still.. you're concerned about one plane replacing both the A-10 and F16? Well.. over here it's replacing both the F/A-18 and F-111. Figure that one out.
I'm just dissapointed they are "replacing" the A-10.

How the fuck do you replace an aircraft that is essentially an airframe designed and built around a huge fucking gun?
Stimpson said:
big waste of money
Except for the fact that it is cheap, extremely cost effective, is cheaper than several of the aicraft that it will replace, and was designed specifically to combat the exponential cost increases in aircraft production costs.
DwarfVader said:
I'm just dissapointed they are "replacing" the A-10.

How the fuck do you replace an aircraft that is essentially an airframe designed and built around a huge fucking gun?
Because it isn't going to replace the A-10 for CAS.
More for things like SEAD.
fuckin sweet. i love the fact that we have the l33test air force in the world but sometimes i wonder if some planes are practical. most of our current planes cant get shot down anyway, let alone new star trek ones.

also, what do you think would be more formidable/intimidating? a thousand flying fortresses ala ww2 or one b2 bomber (keeping nukes out of the discussion)? i bet they are comparable prices...

(i'm only half serious but it's jsut something funny to think about)
dooster said:
fuckin sweet. i love the fact that we have the l33test air force in the world but sometimes i wonder if some planes are practical. most of our current planes cant get shot down anyway, let alone new star trek ones.

also, what do you think would be more formidable/intimidating? a thousand flying fortresses ala ww2 or one b2 bomber (keeping nukes out of the discussion)? i bet they are comparable prices...

(i'm only half serious but it's jsut something funny to think about)

well with precision weapons we dont really need to send a thousand where one can do the job. its amazing to think of it in that sense...but i get ya
Kurayami said:
Because it isn't going to replace the A-10 for CAS.
More for things like SEAD.

Ok, for a minute there I was really confused, because I know that they are refitting all the A10's, so when someone said "replace" I got the idea they were mothballing them or something.