[Official] GoT S5 Thread



Come at me bro
Do you even lift?
Come at me, Crow.

Come at me, Snow.

I wonder what Martin means by a Song of Ice & Fire. Jon Snow being half Stark (Ice) and half Targaryen (Fire).

I also wonder if the Lord of Light is actually a benevolent God in the show, because jeepers creepers that red preistiss with the knockers always comes off evil. Maybe the White Walkers aren't so bad after all, and maybe the dragons are going to go out of control and burn everything to the ground...
 Jon's true dad was Raeghar, and Danny's bro was Raeghar. This is like Jon marrying his aunt? His dad's sister is Dany, so yeah, aunt. And white people wonder why those fucking blacks laugh at us. this is gross  
thx for the john snow spoiler

no worries i don't care really

p.s. i think that this season is nice but it doesn't surprise or amaze me at all anymore..

p.p.s. i never read the books

p.p.p.s. ban rev knight
Stannis needs to get some quick insurance from the gambler of Braavos because his death is looking quite possible by the end of episode 10. Either Ramsey or Brienne.
I doubt Stannis would get such a pedestrian death after all of the Prince that was Promised setup with Melisandre. If and when he dies, it needs to be a terrible fall.
Nah it's gonna be something like "Lightbringer" getting shattered by the Night King and Stannis being all wtf and Melisandre shrugging her goof in the background.
i'd rather see stannis take winterfell, unify the north and handing winterfell to Sansa, march south chasing the boltons just in time for the walkers to breach the wall, war in kings landing, and the dragons returning to fuck everyones shit up. I'm just annoyed that they're pointing towards Bran worging to get it done, but whatever, I hopefully he's not as annoying next season.