[OFFICIAL] Black People Fighting/ Killing

I sure as fuck dont feel guilty for slavery. My fam came from Germany in 1930's so blow me. Blacks want me to feel guilty and pay more for them to not contribute shit. Fuck you, get a job, stop waiting for handouts.
How much would you say slavery has contributed?

I think probably about 0 in the real world. It's an excuse. However in the average black's mind, its everything.

The Chinese were brought here as slaves at first...they own 3/4 of the country now. Slavery didnt occur in Africa, atleast not to the extent it did in the U.S., and look at Africans. They still slaughter and maim each other and they run their country(s) at this point. Do they still get to play the 'we're fucked up because of slavery' card?

Natives were enslaved too, now they own what amounts to money printing factories, and are the ONLY ones that can own them in some places. Where are the natives crying about the injustice of wounded knee or the trail of tears and pointing to that as the reason for their lot in life?

Even blacks that are successful still point to the affect slavery has/had on their lives when in reality they have been afforded every single opportunity that a person can possibly take, and more than most, and yet they still dont...but they aren't in the mess they are in because of not taking those opportunities....its really because of whites over 400 years. ago.
Sigh. Since you seem to have a tentative grasp of what I was trying to say at best, I'll try to explain it again.

Analyzing the variables causing crime is extremely valuable. Derp. Why are you even shitting on that? You say that the worth of this analysis doesn't matter in your 1st sentence, and then later in your retarded ranting you say you can cite studies or statistics to back up your claims. :rofl: you obviously have no clue what you are talking about.

First, whether you like it or not, crime is intrinsically linked to poverty. I know you are blowing it off above in your quotation marks above to show your spurious opinion of that, but STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (see that word again) based on mathematical models--not some Finns retarded grasp of American society--has shown strong correlation between the two. Where does the majority of criminal activity take place in America? Answer: in poor urban and rural settings.

Second, Race is not even close to as good a predictor in deviancy as other indicators such as the economic standing, family environment, unemployment rates, and education levels of an individual. In retard terms, these factors have more "weight" in predicting the actions of a population. If you go to a predominantly poor, black area you find crime rates significantly higher than the national average. If you go to a predominantly poor, white area you find crime rates significantly higher than the national average. I wonder why? This again attests to the idea that poverty is the most significant predictor of criminal activity.
There's more poor white people than there are black people as a whole (in the US obviously), and yet blacks still commit the most [violent] crime by a very large margin. While economic status may affect the crime-rates, it's not the cause.

You're a retard. Stop blaming your race's inadequacies on other people.
black people are disgusting and cant really be called people at all.

i can't fucking wait to move to an all white/asian area and get the fuck away from them. They truly ruin everything they touch/infest. The city i live in used to be nice, but thanks to the Great Migration it's now a fucking shithole.
arm yourselves with the best weapons.

Only a few Germans,french,english,slavs will stand up for themselves when it all goes down the rest of the "WHITE" race have been cowered into being timid and they dont know how to struggle and fight. You must fight for them. Simply arm yourselves. When the upheaval comes you will have to protect your family and neighbors from the onslaught of the minorities of this land.

This simply means high capacity magazines and multiple weapons, make sure you have a backup back up weapon on you.
A shot gun is not a primary weapon...its a last resort.
any primary weapon under 20 rounds is not worth using, invest in 30 40 35 50 75 and 100 round magazines.

The secret to CQB is not to CQB...i don't have to CQB in north american structures, simply because my primary weapon penetrates all interior home structures and can eliminate target and target behind target.

This means plaster walls and exterior brick walls, including cobble stone and concrete block foundation walls.

you will be in an urban fight, you will need the 6.5 and 762 round
Always remember to hand a nigger in the front so they know you mean business.
Sure, but I don't analyze it. I just represent it as fact. There's cold hard facts and then Marxist lies.
I'm going to expect you to explain to us how they determined these bell curve statistics to be fact. Without any statistical analysis, of course.

Where do you think these numbers come from, anyway? How much do you even know about the difference between causation and correlation? I mean, lower income is a far better indicator of violent crime, but you don't seem to bear a grudge against the lower classes --- why is that?
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If playing Urban Terror and eating a turkey sandwich is fleeing, I'm guilty. You people are assuming 20 years per generation because that's the smallest average that's reasonable for 5 generations. It doesn't matter, as long as there are people having children at 40 years, that's all you need to say slavery existed 4 generations ago.

No one has answered my question yet: how much has slavery contributed to the current state of black culture?

Are you using black culture negatively?

If not, I'd say slavery, indirectly or directly, has influenced the vast majority of American culture, let alone black culture: regional variation in America, music and the performing arts (good and bad, in virtually every genre), family lineage, racism, our moral exemplars, our own understanding of liberty, freedom, and individuality as it took a unique American shape in the reform era, our understanding of art period as both moral and expressive, the sense of rhythm with which we imbue our lives, etc. The kidnapping and purchase of black Africans to be brought to America and then indigenously bred to a self-sustaining population has at least touched, but in most cases done more, nearly every facet of American culture. It only makes sense that the number one issue in America during its culturally formative years would have such a tremendous impact.

Its influence is perhaps only exceeded by the indirect influence of eliminating nearly all of our continent's indigenous people allowing us to develop a new American culture.

If you mean "black culture" as in the way most blacks live and self-identify today, then of course it has a HUGE influence and always will. But in the same way that the Reformation or the fall of the Roman Empire has a huge influence on my life today.
O, and as something of such lasting influence and importance, doesn't it make sense that, if others are right that the black menace will destroy our society, whites are now indirectly reaping our just rewards for imposing and enforcing such a system? In the same way that the racists (as in those who believe in the fundamental, determining influence of race on one's behavior) claim blacks are paying for their own genetic and cultural history. History is real, and nothing is forgotten.
I mean, lower income is a far better indicator of violent crime, but you don't seem to bear a grudge against the lower classes --- why is that?

Because poverty does no cause crime, contrary to popular belief. Race is a much more accurate indicator of criminality than economic status. Niggers cause more crime not because they are poor, but because they are stupid jungle apes who do not belong in a White society that was designed by Whites, for Whites. Nobody White can deny that America in 1950 was a much better place socially than America in 2010. To do so is utter folly, in fact it is straight out suicidal.
Also, :lol: at Juggs saying that the Chinese were "slaves" or suggesting that somehow Native Americans today somehow lived a privileged life compared to other segments of the population.
Someone got trampled at a local Target here. No serious injuries. Great stuff. People were screaming and everyone just kept pushing.

They interviewed some lady who waited overnight for something at Best Buy and they asked her how much she saved. "$35" People spent the night outside to save a few bucks? It is below freezing here and super windy too.
Someone got trampled at a local Target here. No serious injuries. Great stuff. People were screaming and everyone just kept pushing.

They interviewed some lady who waited overnight for something at Best Buy and they asked her how much she saved. "$35" People spent the night outside to save a few bucks? It is below freezing here and super windy too.

Black Friday: injecting value into meaningless lives.
Someone got trampled at a local Target here. No serious injuries. Great stuff. People were screaming and everyone just kept pushing.

They interviewed some lady who waited overnight for something at Best Buy and they asked her how much she saved. "$35" People spent the night outside to save a few bucks? It is below freezing here and super windy too.

Wrong thread.