[OFFICIAL] Black People Fighting/ Killing

actually its not their fault for being that way. Their great, great, great, great, great grandparents may or may not have been a slave...so there ya go.

Are we really supposed to think of them as equals? These are animals living in a civilized society. They should be in pet stores, not running major cities.

Listen, it is fine. You can pretend you are not racist. You just need to remember than blacks are not like any other race. You can work with them, you can drink with them, etc. But, never forget that they do not belong in western society. You need to teach your children. These people will rape and kill and molest your kids. Don't let some elite PC propaganda make you think we can all live together. Every race hates the white race, and they will find every sliver to destroy us and take our wealth.

Don't become a number. Don't become a father or grandfather of a niglet. Instill values on your children. Let them know our history is worth preserving.
actually its not their fault for being that way. Their great, great, great, great, great grandparents may or may not have been a slave...so there ya go.

4 too many greats there. And in 1860, what percentage of blacks in North America were not slaves, about?