NY Congressman Resigns

Gotta hand it to the GOP though, at least this time around, the scandal involved a woman.

This makes me sincerely doubt he was a republican. Either that, or this "woman" is a transgender, or just a cross-dresser. Whatever, something doesn't smell right here.
Seems like a pretty mild incident to resign over. Maybe there's something more freaky that he doesn't want outed.
He didn't even try to play the "I was hacked!" game? Could have just said someone hacked his email and was trying to destroy his public image.

Guess he just panicked (or knew they'd call his bluff). :shrug:
Heard his aides tried to but the supposed hacking was reported as taking place a week after the images were sent.
Gawker — Today's gossip is tomorrow's news

Married, sent pictures of himself (claiming to be single) to a person on craigslist. :picard:


Three hours after the story was posted he resigned. :lol:

I admit it, that's me.