Next Generation Xbox - May 21st

Either I've gotten too old for games, or the industry as a whole has gone to complete shit. Either way, care factor zero towards next gen consoles.
I'm not too excited about the next gen of consoles - but I'll still buy them all just like I still buy a ton of games even though I don't have the time or care to really play them anymore.
consoles have been #1 in gaming for the last 10 years

to say otherwise is just stupid

just look at the numbers, nerds
can anyone name a single console exclusive worth giving a shit about in the last 3 years
Well I don't know about exclusives but Dishonored, Deus Ex, and Uncharted 2 have been some of the best games ever. One is console-only but anyone who thinks the publishers would have bothered making the others without console sales is a lunatic. Whether you like consoles or not they're pretty much what keep gaming afloat.