new tattoo, let the faggotry ensue


Veteran XV
Since tw has sucked ass the last few weeks its time to rally the horde of the angry basement nerdgins to my waypoint to flame away.

it has no real meaning other than the fact that i like it.

its a norse themed sleeve, will eventually be doing the upper half of the arm in 2 weeks.

Obligatory: Looks gay, you're a faggot, they took my son, i cant stop cumming, dumb tattoo, emo faggot.




the lay out when its done will be,

zombie/undead vikings on a battle field fire etc Odin's two crows flying in the background and the Valkyries flying above them bringing the fallen soldiers back to life.
back in the day, people with tatts were considered hardcore. now that every fucknut has one, its those with no tatts that you gotta look out for.
in the end, youre spending hundreds of dollars in order to only gain negative attention and have people think youre a faggot, just to have it fade away over time and have to spend more money or look like a reformed deadhead

i dont have a cost-benefit breakdown for you, but youre a moron
where did you see this thread going anyways

you must be the kind of guy that pays hookers to kick you in the balls with high heels