New New GIF (animated) Thread


Bring it!
I don't know what's funnier... that more Americans think they can beat a Grizzly Bear in unarmed combat... or that fewer Britons think that they could beat a rat or a housecat. Hell... a significant fewer Brits think that they could defeat a goose.
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This reminds me about some discussion on the internet I ran into a few years ago... people were debating a fight between a bear and a gorilla.

It's shocking how ignorant people are about bears that it was ever even a fleeting thought that a gorilla had a chance.
That 17% think they could beat a Chimpanzee is the funniest, those things are fucking savage and have incredible strength. One that was kept as a pet ripped a woman's face off here a few years ago.

I think she was riding on the clutch and her hand slipped off causing it to jump forward. I've had the same thing happen to friends on the mountain roads when your hands fatigue. No one went off a cliff side but a guy did flip a ATV backwards going downhill and couldve been way worse.
Having vertigo and being scared of heights has stopped me from doing a lot of stupid shit in my life.
Having vertigo and being scared of heights has stopped me from doing a lot of stupid shit in my life.

In my younger days I've rappelled off buildings. I never really had a fear of heights until I got old. I went with my brother a few years ago to the "top of the rock", and the elevator ride up was bad enough, but once I stepped out into the observation platform, I almost freaked out, and spent most of my time sitting on a bench in the center. I did manage to work up enough courage to get a couple pictures of central park but that's it.

The vertigo was damn near overwhelming.
The chimp ones really bother me. Those fuckers will tear your testicles off and bite off your face.