New New GIF (animated) Thread

I did one of my sister and my pops. It kinda looks like them...kinda not. Its like them if they were really really drunk or something

Did you consider the possibility that when the photo was originally taken, they were really drunk and it's actually hyper-realistic?
Did you consider the possibility that when the photo was originally taken, they were really drunk and it's actually hyper-realistic?

That was a thought..but no. It has to do with the mouth. The eye and head movements look right, though just a bit too much, but the mouths never really change. Its like if they just hit their heads real hard and had their bell rung and are kind of trying to look 'normal' while they regroup or something.
I keep thinking about doing this. Photos of my Mom and Dad, and of my Grandpa in his WW1 uniform.

I think it would not work well.

It would be an uncanny valley thing, like a wax figure made to move. Unless the person doing it knew their exact expressions and style of movement it would be like someone is moving around in a skin suit made from your relatives

actually - what Juggs said

That was a thought..but no. It has to do with the mouth. The eye and head movements look right, though just a bit too much, but the mouths never really change. Its like if they just hit their heads real hard and had their bell rung and are kind of trying to look 'normal' while they regroup or something.