New New GIF (animated) Thread

"Oh no, I dont earn a lot of money. Time go go outside and murder someone."


the only thing america has perfected in the past two decades is polishing that game of who can be the biggest victim

to understand or see how we are in a race to the bottom because of that doesn't require too much imagination or explanation

if you have a dollar in your pocket..........and someone else doesn't

then you are a victimizer now
you mean cycle of victimization excuses

and this is where minority preferential grants and financial aid come in

where whites largely need not apply

The Distribution of Grants and Scholarships by Race

"Caucasian students receive a disproportionately greater share of private scholarships and merit based grants." that is how we justify what we see today with UNCF derivatives everywhere. I mean the fact someone like you took the time, likely with tax payer money, to make that above article is even more sad but amazing. But i see that -witz on the authors name and realize this is par for the course i will tribe talk about next.


the only thing more sad than their excuse making ability is their constant disdain for what we call academic MERIT

unless it involves dunking a basketball or any ball sport scholarships.

nepotism exists.......well no shit

and what you would clearly call predominantly white nepotism

Interesting WSJ Article on Collge Admissions | Student Doctor Network


appears to yet again be favoritism by another (((name)))

one they are more than happy to acknowledge and talk about

Want a Job? Put ‘Jewish’ On Your Resume – The Forward

and meanwhile anyone not a diverse POC, or a member of said wealth tribe, has some real obstacles to overcome these days

To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me

nope......still not smart enough


If only she had a tiger mom or started a fake charity indeed

born in south central LA

raised in most impoverished county CA

I've seen it.......I've lived it

i can look at it across the street right now as he asks me for cig and vodka money when i leave my desk

So it wasn't a troll post like AScotia said

it was real


and you tell me this as someone who clearly needs any perspective other than mainstream media bias on this topic.

it isn't your fault that this is the only thing you were allowed to listen to.......but it would be your fault if you didn't read further into this after i broke it down to this level for you.

physically regurgitated all major topic issues you need right into your mouth

i see

it's not just that you're ignorant, you're also not able to think critically about things

i'm not sure why you think you have any idea what my unspoken opinions are

but you're as thick as val, so there's no sense in trying to actually discuss things with you
If that is what you got, what you took away, from all of my well documented citations that i didn't write but coherently pieced together for you to read (but you are admittedly too dense/obtuse to bother) then i obviously can't help you

Yet you wildly proclaim that i am the one who can't think critically about "things"

Things being that tl;dr wall of text, others text, from rather credible sources i may add, that you didn't or perhaps more importantly couldn't read.

But I am the one who can't think critically despite you saying less than nothing, not one thing, not one actual criticism about anything that i actually said, or perhaps more importantly the mounds of evidence that i cited as a reference for you.

But I am the waste of time? The one who is being dishonest and not using his brain?

At this point you should have just said "NO" because we both know that is more honest and a better attempt at cognitive discourse/expression than anything you have provided for your rebuttal.

or whatever that sad little reply was

I can tell that you were not a science major in college.......because otherwise you might understand that simply not accepting another persons opinion isn't an integral part of the peer review process.

It simply isn't any part of anything for that matter. It just shows you are lazy.

It just makes you look dim and dishonest, but i do appreciate you adding yourself to the meat head, blow hard, total waste of time list......that was the real troll post part i give you credit for

Save us both some time and just pretend to ignore my post next time

Say you you have feelings about poverty and facts don't matter
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