New New GIF (animated) Thread

i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but that IS why

statistically speaking, it's more likely for a black person than a white person to be in that class

you know, because they got a late start.... the civil rights movement wasn't that long ago, relatively speaking

Funniest post for 10 pages

I rost - thx :rofl:
i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but that IS why

statistically speaking, it's more likely for a black person than a white person to be in that class

you know, because they got a late start.... the civil rights movement wasn't that long ago, relatively speaking

This retard probably thinks we still had slavery in 1964.
There were black doctors 100+ years ago, you fucking imbecile.

Stop believing all of the liberal trash your girl keeps feeding you.

And a simple refutation of your first idiotic statement: literally any black country.
those bait bike videos are fucking hilarious, namely the ones where the bike is tied to a tree with a long string so the thieves build up some speed before they eat shit

and i hate to break it to you doodz but it isnt all black guys

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i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but that IS why

statistically speaking, it's more likely for a black person than a white person to be in that class

you know, because they got a late start.... the civil rights movement wasn't that long ago, relatively speaking

because all the wealth a person ever has

ever generates

is generational and inherited

i don't know why u advocate for college if u really feel that way


i mean they are calling it black friday for a good reason now

i mean it isn't just uncle toms telling them this

even black nationalist movement

and this is always the response

Black people really do need to start investing and saving. But its like we can never catch a break. U have to have a job to save, but by the time you get a job u have to play catch up on bills and other neccessities you had to pass on. And as far as supporting black businesses, they are so few and far in between & most ar not advertised like other businesses so it has hard 2 support them when u don't know where they are. This is wonderful video!! Very informational & well edited,put together

last thing people with victim mentality need is you giving them more victimization sympathy imo
u take belial trollbait and then go on a simultaneous anti black person crusade when i make an offhand remark about the number of white guys who fall for youtube pranks

it was remarkable because i myself was surprised. get a grip jeez
u take belial trollbait and then go on a simultaneous anti black person crusade when i make an offhand remark about the number of white guys who fall for youtube pranks

it was remarkable because i myself was surprised. get a grip jeez

say dumb shit (we both know u believe)

call it troll bait

it is ok i would wince my butt cheeks too if i were u

were u really surprised that poor and immoral white people exist too? (like BeLiaLs troll)

or that they would steal too?

oh, wait, that was troll too
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because all the wealth a person ever has

ever generates

is generational and inherited

i don't know why u advocate for college if u really feel that way

i mean they are calling it black friday for a good reason now

i mean it isn't just uncle toms telling them this

even black nationalist movement

and this is always the response

last thing people with victim mentality need is you giving them more victimization sympathy imo

it seems like you aren't familiar with the cycle of poverty

and while it's possible to build wealth and be successful without prior familial success, it sure is a hell of a lot easier when you can focus on school and whatever else rather than trying to work enough hours to help support your parents' family

it's also easier when your parents have connections that can get you in the door at good companies... didn't you even bring up that it can be difficult to get your foot in the door when you're fresh?

have you ever lived or worked directly with the impoverished? i'm not talking about volunteer work at a soup kitchen on the holidays, i mean really work with them

i feel like you would develop an entirely new perspective on things
and neither are all people in prison


Blacks are 13% of US population 37.6% of prisoners and 71% of shooters in Chicago | Zero Hedge

u know just a disproportionate amount per capita

(because of racist system.......not predisposition to break laws LOL)

why are all of you right-wingers too stupid to separate race from socioeconomic class?

i'm starting to notice a trend: right-wingers tend to be less intelligent and more reasonable, and left-wingers tend to be more intelligent and less reasonable
it seems like you aren't familiar with the cycle of poverty

you mean cycle of victimization excuses

and while it's possible to build wealth and be successful without prior familial success, it sure is a hell of a lot easier when you can focus on school and whatever else rather than trying to work enough hours to help support your parents' family

and this is where minority preferential grants and financial aid come in

where whites largely need not apply

The Distribution of Grants and Scholarships by Race

Every few years someone creates a “Whites Only” scholarship and justifies it by claiming that there aren’t any scholarships for Caucasian students. For example, Colby Bohannan, one of the founders of the
Former Majority Association for Equality (FMAE), was quoted in an article on the web site of a Texas television station2 as saying “It just got really frustrating when every other scholarship you happen to find online you need not apply to based on your ethnicity or gender.” Similar scholarships are also created to protest affirmative action policies and race-based scholarships. While there are very few private scholarships that are explicitly targeted at Caucasian students as a category,3

Caucasian students receive a disproportionately greater share of private scholarships and merit based grants. Caucasian students receive more than three times as much in merit-based grant and private
scholarship funding as minority students.

"Caucasian students receive a disproportionately greater share of private scholarships and merit based grants." that is how we justify what we see today with UNCF derivatives everywhere. I mean the fact someone like you took the time, likely with tax payer money, to make that above article is even more sad but amazing. But i see that -witz on the authors name and realize this is par for the course i will tribe talk about next.


the only thing more sad than their excuse making ability is their constant disdain for what we call academic MERIT

unless it involves dunking a basketball or any ball sport scholarships.

it's also easier when your parents have connections that can get you in the door at good companies... didn't you even bring up that it can be difficult to get your foot in the door when you're fresh?

nepotism exists.......well no shit

and what you would clearly call predominantly white nepotism

Interesting WSJ Article on Collge Admissions | Student Doctor Network


appears to yet again be favoritism by another (((name)))

one they are more than happy to acknowledge and talk about

Want a Job? Put ‘Jewish’ On Your Resume – The Forward

and meanwhile anyone not a diverse POC, or a member of said wealth tribe, has some real obstacles to overcome these days

Despite having a 4.5 GPA and a 2120 SAT score, she was rejected from Princeton, Yale, Penn, and Vanderbilt. Thus she went on to write this article...

To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me

nope......still not smart enough


According to Association of American Medical Colleges data, Asian Americans have the lowest acceptance rates as compared to Whites, Hispanics and Blacks for given GPA and MCAT scores.

If only she had a tiger mom or started a fake charity indeed

have you ever lived or worked directly with the impoverished? i'm not talking about volunteer work at a soup kitchen on the holidays, i mean really work with them

born in south central LA

raised in most impoverished county CA

I've seen it.......I've lived it

i can look at it across the street right now as he asks me for cig and vodka money when i leave my desk

i feel like you would develop an entirely new perspective on things

So it wasn't a troll post like AScotia said

it was real


and you tell me this as someone who clearly needs any perspective other than mainstream media bias on this topic.

it isn't your fault that this is the only thing you were allowed to listen to.......but it would be your fault if you didn't read further into this after i broke it down to this level for you.

physically regurgitated all major topic issues you need right into your mouth
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i'm starting to notice a trend: right-wingers tend to be less intelligent and more reasonable, and left-wingers tend to be more intelligent and less reasonable

i think generalizations like this enabled me to obliterate your last "trololololo" post the way I just did

i mean that was some sally struthers silly shit tbh

there is such a thing as thinking you know what you are saying........and then there is such a thing as being able to prove that to anyone but yourself (but your bubble)

i am pretty sure this is the point of college education you value so much

so far you have a lot of opinions about how smart and enlightened you think you are but not a lot of anything else to back that up with

in other words u writing checks your ass can't cash

Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia

the one thing the mind virus shares with "left-wingers who tend to be more intelligent and less reasonable"

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