[Netflix] Europe needs $$$ so tax Netflix

It was amusing enough to see their extortion attempts against Microsoft and Apple

European Regulators Fine Microsoft, Then Promise to Do Better

Apple may owe $8bn in back taxes after European commission ruling

Apple Being Sued in Europe Over 'iWatch' Ad Campaign on Google

on and on and on that list goes

Sue somebody who makes money.....because god knows no stone has been left inside your own insidious socialist shitholes.

But apparently this didn't make them enough money off of other peoples money

Now they are cranking up the heat (and derp)

A Cash-Strapped Europe Will Tax Netflix

The European Commission is looking to tax video streaming services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime to fund the production of European movies and TV programs Politico is reporting. In addition to the tax, at least 20% of their catalogs must be European productions.

so it is a tax to fund their own shitty movie production

and ensure that more of only those shit movies can be seen on Netflix

what a great idea

Finaly, adding insult to regulatory injury, the regulation wouldn't stop there, as it also proposes a curb on child viewing of ads for salty, fatty, sugary and alcohol products.

Why not.....keep the great ideas coming

Now watch the retards of this region complain about Neflix prices suddenly going up and this being the product of Capitalism.


I would almost feel bad if you didn't deserve this so badly.
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I love watching Europe crumble. Socialism :rofl:

They can claim its for helping the European movie market but we all know its to support all those dirka dirkas.
me too

it is such a spectacular sight to see

i think all movies should be about Islam

then they can tax korean tv manufacturers for them not being in arabic
The European film market is doing fine so long as you omit everything other than Czech porn
Follow the money. Any where it is found, the gubiment will steal with a bogus tax. In this case, the idea some of the money will go to fund European movies is complete BS. Uber, rental cars, Phone bills, cable, electric, water, property, gas, all taxed by multiple levels of gubiment. It's the main reason I disconnected my land line years ago. The gubiment taxes and fees were half the bill.
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so true NGFM

centralized control

extorted money

media censorship

everything that embodies Europe today


A woman sitting on an expensive gold chair while wearing a £1,000,000 hat has encouraged Britain to “live within its means” during times of austerity while addressing a room full of millionaires.

Life brings us this type of irony that most people overseas don't even notice anymore


almost as amusing as a hillary fundraiser
I honestly have no idea where the money goes here.

The 22% VAT tax on everything and then income taxes are 40%+. Yet their hospitals and roads still look like dog shit and a doctor makes 30-40k. It's eye opening.
I hate lobbyists but this why companies need them - to keep da gubment from fucking them in the ass. Good luck getting a tax repealed once its in place.
well this is just silly.
granted services like netflix step on toes of big national broadcasting companies (BBC etc.) who have to pay silly european taxes anyway. Wizards in power clearly want to tax everything they possibly can and can't.

oh well nothing changes, back to my pirated media.