NEStalgia - free online multiplayer RPG based on old nintendo games

Fuck 8bit. That's when companies started emphasizing graphics over gameplay. Zork4lyfe!
Hmm, I'll check this out on a later date, Byond had some pretty cool gems if you dig around on it, played some online 8bit final fantasy game MMO that was pretty badass, if not broken at high level, I'll have to look for it.

I absolutely loved playing that game on BYOND, I even ran a server for a few months when the main one went offline. :) It sucked that the game didn't have much content though, only a few hours worth of quests and the rest was just grinding levels. :/
Alright I made a Soldier (Maconi) on Efrain.

Did someone subscribe and make a guild or do we at least know the names of the other TW ppl?

EDIT: Wth? Either I just got really lucky or this server has increased drop rates or something lol (axe and armor dropped right outside town back-to-back, haven't bought anything yet).

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You got pretty lucky with those drops lol. Need to be a subscriber and have 10k to start a guild, im not a subscriber but i have about 4k that i can throw in for the guild if one of you can create.
I went ahead and took a hit for TW and subscribed, just gotta get the 10k together. So far you're the only person with any real gold lol.

I also just got another Heavy Leather Armor to drop. Guess that's another 200g towards the guild lol.
I almost have enough to buy the guild, who is takeing the cash.
I went ahead and subscribed so we could make it. Maconi in-game. Just limme know when you're ready and we'll meet up in Balzackia.

How do you "trade" gold anyway? The old "I'll put this useless item up for 10k gold and you buy it" trick or is there an actual trade function I haven't found yet?
Is this another one of those games where you get massive benefits if you "subscribe"
Nah. The only benefit for me was that I kinda wanted to play one of the "subscriber only" classes anyway (Warlock). Other than that (and access to teleports around the world, where other people have to walk) that's it. It doesn't give you any PvE, PvP, or even atheistic benefits (unless you consider one of the "subscriber only" classes OP, which they're not IMO, I actually almost prefer my Soldier/Wizard to them all).

Also you can only make guilds if you're a subscriber, but anyone can join them. I bit the bullet since I was having fun with the game and wanted TW to get a guild up ASAP (and thankfully Calipso is helping fund it since I was ignorant to the fact you need 10k gold to make it which takes quite a while to farm up).
Alright the guild is made. I've tried to add everyone I've seen to my friends list so next time we're both on I'll invite ya. If ya don't get an invite within the next day or so just say you're from TW in global chat or make a post here.