NEStalgia - free online multiplayer RPG based on old nintendo games

It sucks that you lose half your gold when you die. That damn mouse has killed me tons of times now but I can never find a group for it. :(

I also talked to Silk (the guy who made the game, he hops on all the servers randomly) and he said he's working on making a master character table so that characters will be saved cross-server (so you don't have to play on the same server every time).

Dunno how long it will take him though. :shrug:
I originally tried the mouse at lvl 2, died, went back at lvl 4, died.

I have no clue what level you're supposed to be since there is no indicator on the quest or on the mouse. :(

I think I took at level 4 or 5 as a cleric. Just go level up, don't die, and buy some equipment.
This game is pretty fun, im level 20 soldier on efrain. Game has a bank and auction house in the second town. All the servers have pve ruleset right now so partys can only duel but some will be pvp soon, if you attack another party and win you get 50% of their gold haha.
I've been playing on Shenwood. I'm got a Wizard up to level 5 and have did every quest possible in the first town. Now I have to go west and kill 10 bandits, get a gem, and kill the bandit king or whatever (all from in the cave to the west).

Problem is, it's basically impossible to solo, and it's impossible to find a party unless you play with friends.

What's the point in a game where you can't progress past the first town unless you're lucky enough to catch 1-2 other ppl doing the same quest? :huh: